Mar 24, 2009

THIS JUST IN: Kitteh licks (and licks) Fennec Fox

I know we've had a virtual cinema today with all the movies—when it rains it pours, right? But in the immortal words of Sender-Inner Arlo R.: "HOW COULD THIS NOT BE POSTED YET!?"

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Mar 02, 2009

"I'm marrying him Mother. You can't stop me."

"Sure, he's a little cold, but he's BIG and he's green and he's MINE!"

5 2 3 4

Just let her go, Emily D. H. [eye roll]

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Feb 13, 2009

Winston is Bananas

In honor of Valentines Day, we show Winston with his beloved bananas.

Rich of FourFour, you justify my love!

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Feb 08, 2009

Listen Kid, here's the plan...

"You wheel me over to where the parents are. I'll distract them with my Tonka truck of adorableness. YOU steal the cookies for us and I'll meet you back here.





Bulletproof planning, Jes C.

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Jan 25, 2009

Duck rides shotgun

Here's the story of Frank and Joe.

Frank is the fast-quacking trucking buddy of construction delivery guy Joe. Joe used to hunt ducks, but got a duck-hunting dog that... wouldn't. Frank does helpful things like eat bananas on the job, watch Joe deliver stuff, and snorf the ladies. The best part is the "if more people had ducks..." line.

Actually, Sender-Inner Sparky thinks the gosling baby pics are the best part.

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Jan 15, 2009

Encore Presentayshe: Baby Bun has Cat Mom

Laura W. didn't see it the first time.

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Jan 13, 2009


"Take a good look America!" "Take a good look, WORLD!" and "If THEY can get along, what's OUR excuse!?"

What do these phrases and "Pack their Derms(?!)" have in common? They can all be heard on this smarm-a-thon CBS News video below. Why does every news bit with an animal have to be so DOGGONE lame?

Everyone and their BROTHER has sent this in, and the reporter's cheesy stylin' had kept me from posting it. So, now that you have my caveat. Watch it. I WASH MY HANDS!

I'm washing them again, Johanna S.

P.S. Extra points if you can point out MORE eye-roll-worthy phrases!

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Legends of Folk Music, Part Six

From their 1958 debut at the Nosepick Hollow Folk Festival, The Happenin' Hoedown Hipsters kept audiences' toes a'tapping with a crowd-pleasing mix of folk standards tinged with modern jazz influences. The 1962-65 lineup, pictured here, included Farquard Mandlebroot, lead beagle and vocals; Stanley Burbleson, coyote and harmonica; Roger "Biff" Burbleson, rhythm beagle and vocals; and Doris McGinty, bass mutt.


An'a one, an'a two, Anna L.

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Jan 07, 2009

The Year In Cute: Once You Go Walrus, Baby, You Never Go Back

In 2008, all the creatures of the world learned to live and love together in blissful peace and harmony.  Well, except for us, of course, but y'know — we've got issues.  Anyway, here are some of the interspeciesly snorglest photos of 2008 to show us how it's done, and here to help them out is our very special guest star, ladies and gentlemen, Mister Barry White!

Oh my (ow) darling, my (ow) forbidden love (ow) for you will (ow) never die...

I claim this kitty in the name of the Republic of Budgietania!

Man, I HATE it when Uncle Louie comes to visit.

And now it's time to play 'Guess Whose Tongue That Is?'

Thanks also to the Sender-Inner Orchestra: Stephanie P., Nancy P., Johanna S., and Teajay

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Jan 06, 2009

No Exit Strategy Whatsoever




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