The Mostly Unconscious Adventures of Bug the Rat
SOMEONE is bright-eyed, bushy ring-tailed and ready to....
And I'm suuuuuure she's gonna get a move on riiiiight after this liiiiitle nap.
Perhaps a swig of Dr. P. will get her moving?
Yes. Moving. Riiiiiiiiight after another lil' nap.
Still tie tie?
How about a Rats 'n' Racks photo op?
Yes, almost well-rested enough to take... on... the... honk-shuuuuu
Sure, a story together first. Couldn't hurt.
Look! Finally made it outside!
Shame there's no daylight left.
All photos and video of Bug the rattle by Necil Bug.
Look at those cute little hands!
OmG - rat sized Dirty Wow Wow
Too sweet!
I want to dip him in chocolate, roll him in sprinkles and sell him on the pier.
STOPPPP!!! Ur killin meh frum da kewtneth!
Where, oh where do you find rat-sized teddy bears? I MUST KNOW.
Cutest rattie evah ! also, has SOME fur on tailio, gets extra pointsh.
Rattie + teddy bears = *poit* passes out.
Has discriminating tastes in English lit (IS English, it would seem.)
Awww, how super sweet.
Heh. I really don't like rodentia (bad experiences), but this li'l guy has his day all worked out. I wouldn't snuggle him, probably, but I would definately approve of the various naps, and especially the story-time!
I have to say, I've never been too big on the whole keep-a-disease-spreading-rodent-as-a-pet thing.. but.. these pictures (especially those of it sleeping with a teddybear) really made me tilt my head and go -aawww.
Way to overthrow my prejudice with the soft cuddly honk-shu's and making me see rats as cute.
Never in a million years would I have thought I'd do that!
It'll probably go a million more until next time! ;-)
I'm sooooo busy ! but now I can't stop looking at those rattiehandsrattiefeets rattietonguerattiefingernailsrattieteddybears... Meeeeeg !!!! not fair !!!! we're supposed to be kickstarting the economy !!!!! not melting every 4 hours in a puddle of goo !!!
Have to admit, I've never quite managed to think of rats as cute, but Oh My! This comes closest. If only it weren't for that tail. BTW, is that a HUGE rat or where do you get the teeny-weeny Dr. Peppers?
Hed-splort alert! Ohhh, the tiny feets splayed in the air with absolute naptime abandon...can I have just one teeny soft kronsch, pls?
*hed 'splodes everwhar*
Does the ratty have TWO DIFFERENT TEDDY BEARS?? Awesome.
I concur, Szilvia...never thought I'd find a rat cute! I stand corrected. annnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhh.
I'm definitely getting a rat when (if) my hamster dies!! I had two before, and they have such cute little personalities!!
It makes me miss my rat... I was a terrible rat parent because she didnt have a teddy bear! (Love the rat in the sunshine picture, with golden rays in the background!)
Awwww! All pets should be so spoiled.
gosh i love cuteoverload
zomg, i am definitely NOT a fan of rats, pets or otherwise, but my cold, dead unratty heart has been melted by these SUPERDUPAHELLACUTETASTIC photos. lovely!
adorable. i love her little bear collection.
I don't sleep well at night, but during the day I take a two-hour nap an earthquake couldn't wake me from. My wife delights in putting teddy bears into my arms and snapping photos of me during these naps.
Are you kidding me?? They make stuffed animals for rats? *kerplode*
things I lurve: adored pets; spoiled pets; pets who has teddy b'ars; sleepy pets. I'm not ordinarily a rat-fan but I can see how they CAN be lurvely petses. Kudos to her lawvingk pipple.
I LOVE the rat-sized teddy bears! I want some for my guinea pigs! These are the cutest photos EVER of a rat. I especially love photo #2 (snuggle teeny-tiny teddy bear, back feetsies up in the air)!
Edward, that's hilarious!
Awww! I wish I could have a rat too! But I think my cat would like it for altogether different reasons... sigh.
I think this rat and I share the same genetic background. Lately I've been having the same problem getting out of bed. Must be this damn cold Canadian winter.
I totally girlie squealed!!!
looks a lot like my pet rats sara and mary, they where the sweetist lil girls eva... my dad was not so thirlled with them though
He has two stuffed animals? Is the second one a lambie? OMGponies!!!!!
Little darling.
It's been a long cold lonely winter.
Makes me want to cuddle with the closest furry thing.... too cute for words.
The mini-Dr. Pepper was the best.
Rattie toes!!!!
I miss my ratties so much. :( Best pets ever for people with little homes.
Rizz sez "Some people are so touchy!"
I am in love withthis rattie and OMG Bug is a perfect name! Little snuggle Bug! WANT!
Those nails are so teeny! Lovely pic's. Although I have no idea where you'd find such a small Dr Pepper. Plus, do you really want a rodent hopped up on caffeine and corn syrup? Just wondering.
I especially like those cuddling pics. My cat tends to have a heavy head like that, even when she's awake. She just can't seem to keep her head up.
BTW, is the reader a male? Perhaps it's the scale next to the pocket pet but they have big hands. He may still read Danielle Steele, but my guess is that's a dewd.
My reactions to the pictures went something like this:
eeek! Rat!
Awwwww, teeny, tiny, teddy
eeek...wait, teeny Dr.P Huh?
Awwww, teddy and blankie
eeee, awww *confused*
EEEEEEEE! *Jumps out of way*
Video: awww, eeek, ehhhhh...kinda cute but eek!
Such confused feelings about cute rodents!
Gee, Bugmom, we wouldn't be a little prejudiced concerning the name "Bug" would we? :D
One word: redonk. Please stop feeding the rattie warm milk and turkey!
That is one comfy lookin rattie! I wanna nap too. But I gotta work instead :(
I am agog over the precious little handses.
OMG, the sleeping picture makes me gonna faint from cuteness!
LOve this.
*sniff* Missin all my sweet ratties now...
Awww..the blissful sleep of the well-loved and utterly spoiled!
Oh my goodness, adorable!!! I feel like this little guy today--time for a nap. The teddy bears are really just too much!
As an owner of 4 ratty boys myself, I get fed up with people seeing them as the same as the wild, dirty "disease spreading" rats you find in the streets/sewers. This will hopefully show that fancy rats are completely different (very soppy) animals. They're more intelligent than people think too, can train them to do anything really!
I have never seen such a sweet photo-op of a rat.
Such a happy little rat. So cute.
OMG this owner is clearly abusing her rattie, forcing him to take all these naps where the rat is clearly sleeping because he can't stand the pain of living!! Augh!! *wildly flings puddin' everywhere all over the walls*
Oops, the xtreme kee-yuteness made me have a fit and 'splode.
*wanders off, licking pudding off fingers*
i had no idea rats could be so snuggly... and the teddy bears?!? awesome.
Ratty Lover, aren't they pretty much exactly the same as the wild dirty ones, except that they're not wild or dirty? I mean, it's not like there's a big genetic difference, if there's any at all.