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« Yeah, your 'drowned rat' jokes are really funny | Home | [Hacking sound] »
I can't help but laugh just looking at this. Yeeeee!!
(but our 16-yr-old is going to have a FIT)
Well, I can never visit this site again.
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG!!!! Oh my GOSH! What did you do to me?! I almost peed myself, I swear. I got up and SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF for my boyfriend to come save me. D:
When I show it to him, do you know what he says?! The traitor says, and I quote: "It's actually kind of cute."
Why?????? /end sobbing
P.S. He's right, it's kind of cute BUT I STILL AM TERRIFIED OF IT!
P.P.S. What species of spider is this? Obviously from the 80's.
Eek! So frighteningly cute!
Yes (reluctant sigh) it's kinda cute - now, hand me that rolled up newspaper...
Terrifying never looked so good.
SQUISH IT! SQUISH IT NOW! I don't care if it looks like it's smiling. Ugh, spiders give me the creeps.
1st Reaction: Eeeeeeeek!
2nd Reaction: Awww, well that is cute a wee little spidery smiley face...
3rd Reaction: BUT BUT it's a SPIDER! Eeeeeeek!
But it is cute inna shivery sorta way.
(and no I wasn't tryin to pull a fast one on the "first" front I knew I wasn't the 1st to post) ;-)
Is it a jumping spider? What a cute boy!!!
Personally, I think it's cute but everybody's posts have me laughing so hard that my sides hurt.
Thanks - I needed that.
Awwwwww! She's just a cute widdle girl! I just wants to pets her!
Yay to Ugly Overload, too! They posted a whole series of gorgeous spider pics, including this one. This is the cutest. Not that I'd want him in my house.
I love you all, and I respect your right to post whatever you want on your blog...but could I get someone to e-mail me when this makes its way off the front page so I know it is safe to come back?
Hee hee hee he's sooo happy! I <3 him!
I don't understand why everyone hates spiders so much. They eat mosquitos and flies and dust mites and everything you don't want in your house!
I can just hear his little beady eyes plinking away. :)
Actually, one of my descriptions of spiders who are too large to be allowed to live are "It needed a haircut..." so, the googly eyes and smile is cute...but not cute enough to survive in my presence...*shiver*
Cutest spidah evah!!
Cute as the dickens, as long as it's not moving...
Sure looks like a jumping spider to me. They're pretty cool - stubbular little guys with personality. They'll look you right in the eye and wave their legs around at you. I'm not a big fan of most spiders, but jumpers don't bother me.
Are stripy leg warmers still in fashion? For spiders, that is?
I just have to concentrate on the eyes, the smile, and the spiky hairdo. If I look at any other part of it...*shiver*
Spiders really are the creepiest things, E.V.E.R.
We had a pet jumping spider named Rose.I don't remember what color her eyes were but she was almost as cute.
Hmm. I do believe this is the first time I've *ever* wanted to snorgle a spider.
**smooches top of head gently**
And such dazzling eyes!
OMG! I have never seen a spider like this. Smiley spidey! I want! He'd be most welcome in my house as long as he's not crawling on me or directly over my bed or anything.
What kind of spider is this though! I have never seen anything like it!
I guess I need more coffee, when I first saw the top half of the picture, I thought it was a frog. When I saw the whole picture and reealized it was a spider, it made a lot more sence.
Newspaper please.
Man.... I saw this on uglyoverload the other day and was going to send it in then thought...naaaahhhhh
Guess I should have huh
Please don't put spiders on the front page! I am so scared right now! Other bugs can be cute from a distance, but not a big, huge, scary spider! That one looks like it could take a bite outta me!
Is this the spider that frightened Miss Muffet?
What's so scary about a spider? Last time I checked, I can still outrun one. Very cute. Probably won't pet it, but cute.
Ok, I just looked up "jumping spider" on wikipedia. Interesting little critters! This does resemble a couple of the pictures with the article. I love how it says they are "inquisitive" because thwy will actually approach a human hand instead of just running away. The jumping thing is a little disturbing though. :0
this is cute in a murderous clown sort of way.
I second the desire to be alerted when this picture is no longer on the front page. it was a rather terrible surprise!
SO CUTE! OMG I can't believe that precious smile! REDUNK!
It's cute! And happy!
...but jumping? Eek! It might get in my hair! (personal nightmare, move along plz)
...reach for a newspaper? It looks big enough a horrific splat!
But this one's cute. And happy!
OMG!! Who knew spiders could be cute as well as facinating?? Little guy made me smile...:)
OGM! I'm so glad tat you posted this on here!!! I saw it on uglyoverload.com and i didnt think that ANY of the spiders were ugly! I adore this one and giggle every time i see it! Thank you Meg!
The little guy looks like a Muppet or an extra from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
I can't decide if it's adorable or scary either.
Awww, Mr. Happy Spider is definitely cute. But I love jumping spiders, and I will play with them when I find them. If I find one on a walkway or other dangerous location I will move him/her to a safer place. Other spider species- not so much...
pics like this make me happy, cause nature is pretty darned cool.
then if I saw that actually in front of me, I would back slowly away LOL
His eyes are the same color as mine. I wonder if we're related...
what a gorgeous critter! i was admiring the coloring and the generalized furriness that is prism-like.
i had a pet tarantula when i was young, a snake farm i built, too.
i HATE earthwormy things. all the rest? eh. just god's lil' critters...
that IS a particularly beautiful spider, though...
Awww, Mr. Happy Spider is definitely cute. But I love jumping spiders, and I will play with them when I find them. If I find one on a walkway or other dangerous location I will move him/her to a safer place. Other spider species- not so much...
First time I ever considered a spider cute.
Now make it go away or I'll have to scream like a Japanese schoolgirl.
also, spiders are good. they eat pests and they don't bite unless challenged. like the black widow i sat on once. now that was a ganze megilla.
how could anyone hate anything with such a goofy expression. just makes me want to laugh and feed it a mosquito....
@ mekkio: YES! foster's home...that slays me....
Seriously people, it's a picture, a picture on the internet, it cannot hurt you. Can we all please just get a grip!
I have never seen such a fuzzy spider before, I don't know if I'd call her cute, but she does have a certain charm about her.
OMG!! Can't stand it!! Image burned into my eyes and now I have a SEVERE set of the creeps! Is there no way to warn those of us in the phobic category of such things? Cute or not, EWWWWW and EEEEEEK!!
AND FURTHERMORE!! i hereby proclaim it very bad to karma to actually murder spiders. if you should happen upon one in your dwelling, kindly catch it gently in a jar and release it outdoors.
that is what my mother always did and i think it made me a better person.
this does not apply to roaches.
Ooooh, Sombody shooped him. I was wondering where his other eyes were!
Wow... creepy but fascinating. I never would have expected a spider to have green eyes.
I was kinda wondering if it was a catcus with googly eyes stuck to it!!!
Not afraid of spidey pics, but spideys are *supposed* to know they're not allowed in my house. Bugs in general, actually.