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« Pardon me, I must find my 24 pairs of Ugg Boots | Home | Work That Mistletoe, Sister! »
sleeping that is what they are up to. As usual
See how I neatly side step the ennuendoh.
I haven't checked out the puppies for awhile, and what are they doing when I take a new look??? Sleeping of course! But they are HUGE!
Am I the ONLY person on earth not obsessed with shiba inu puppehs? What is so cute? What? I don't see .. welll .. hmm.. they are a bit entrancing after awhile, aren't they... OMGPUPPEEHS!!
When I saw the title of the post I was like, "Oh dear, do I really wanna look?" And then, "Oh, okay, that's funny!" Cuz you never know around this place.....
This place is like a box of chocolates....with a lot of fur in it, and sometimes feathers, and sometimes it's hard to tell.
Itchy middle pup wakes up everyone else.
Sleeping? Well, I guess I'm lucky, I got here just in time to see lots of scratching and shaking and wiggling, a little running, and lots of little tails wagging! Cuteness!!
Is this "Boomer" of "Boomer's Babysitter" fame?????
SOOOOO cute!!
Wonder if he is also thinking AWWWW.
OMG they are up and frolicking
gets entranced with the cute... forgets to work... Awww and little puppy whines and fusses. awwwwww!!!!!!!
There's a full-out shiba inu WAR going on now. A puppeh war!!!!
They're all having a massive free-for-all brawl right now...I wish I had that much energy.
I swear to god one of them is chasing its tail in circles.
I have now seen everything.
I see a fluffolicious swirling pile of teef and tailios!
Seems they are out to destroy the bed before they leave! Sounds like a bunch of crabby old women at times..
As much as I wuv the fwuffy wuffy pwuppies... my grades are going to skyrocket when they go off air.
I suspect the stock market will rebound, too. They've all been ooohing over puppies and letting the world financial market slide into the drain.
But I'll miss the tails....
Yeah, there's some fighting going on. It's just like when my family gets together, only these guys are cute, everyone likes having them around, and they never bring up the dreaded "road trip of 1972" incident.
LOL, Katie. Hang on, I'll get Bernanke on the line...
ok..you were clean five minutes ago, now you're just on vacation!....(stewie to brian)
To the owners of the puppehs:
"Yes, my children...this is (Shiba) god." I can just imagine Boomer messing with their little heads that way.
Have I just been lucky, or are the pups really growing up? Yeah, they still sleep a lot, but not as much as a few weeks ago. Pups have been way more active and playful the last 1.5 weeks.
OMG i caught them at feeding time!
they're getting so BIG!
Oh noes, not the shiba cam again! Cannot stay away from this thing when it's on CO! Boomer's prolly thinking "those were the days!"
Now they are leecking human legs and sniffing a human butt...
Ok, why is a person standing there and not petting the puppies?
Is that a mannequin?
OK, someone's getting their legs licked by about four pups at once...no fair! She has all those pups and we have none! If you don't bring enough to share then you shouldn't bring any, young lady!
I WANT TO BE THAT LADY! The puppy that hurled himself on her, and their little grunts - so cute!
Nope, not a mannequin. It would be literally impossible for me to be around these puppies and not reach down and pet them. Six Shiba Inu puppers, all begging for attention... Heaven, I'm in Heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...
That's better... lot's and lot's of petting and holding. Can you say Squirmy McSquirmersons? Or how about... teething? I knew you could!
My puppies like to watch the shiba puppies too!
Mrs. Hands was just in there a while, in a puppy maelstrom, but she just left. Now, back to bed tearing.
When I looked this morning, four were sleeping and two were just chasing each other all over the place.
I, too, will miss the cam. I guess the puppies will be leaving this weekend. :(
totally outdoors...
LOL, it's a puppy tornado right now!
Inside. No, outside. No, inside. No, outside!
High-speed doggie door exiting! Wow.
OH NO! One of them has their collar stuck in it's mouth! I want to help him/her!!!
I've been watching the pup with the yellow collar for a bit now. Poor thing has it caught in its mouth. Where is the human?
I can't quit watching now... someone needs to HELP THE PUPPY!!!
Can someone for pitty sake get that collar out of the pups mouth!!!!!!!
I saw a great bumper sticker the other day: "Your honor student is a mere pawn in my shiba inu's world domination plot."
Okay this is really getting upsetting. Why is that poor puppy struggling with the collar in its mouth? Isn't there a human around??
The pup can't eat or drink! The other dogs are picking on it.
The other pup tries to help :p
Awww, the other puppy got the collar out of his mouth and now he tries to put it back there :P
Oh good it's out finally *phew*.. I can now go back to my life, lol.
Looks like the human took the collar off.
They really like to wrestle!!!
@Gail (the first one): No, sorry, the Boomer I babysit is a Bichon. These guys are cute, though!! When I looked at it, two were tugging war on a little squeaky toy, and a third was playing referee with another toy in its mouth (the prize for the loser?), bonking the battlers about the heads. BTW, "my" Boomer is having setbacks since his tendon repair surgery. He doesn't know the meaning of "rest," so he does his walks on three legs, as fast as he can go. But, but... if he doesn't use the repaired leg, it won't heal properly - yet he doesn't seem to have a "slow" mode. *sigh*