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cute but there are health concerns...like is cat milk okay for a bunneh?
mama kitty's gonna wonder why one of her babies isn't making any biscuits
Heavens to Murgatroid! It's a cabbit! Aww, too bleening cute.
Snaggle Puss exited stage right.
You think Bubbles is gonna grow up thinking she's a kitteh?
What a good mama kitteh.
Hey I love this site and the pic is so awesome. Lov you
That really does sum it up...AWWWWWWWWWWWW.
(melts into goo)
my hed just completely sploded all opver my computer screen.
this is just too much.
omg, this literally brought tears to my eyes!
I love stories where a different species of animal adopts another...supah cute!
CoffeeCup - The cat's milk should be fine for the wee bunbun; when we care for orphaned bunnikins, we feed them a mixture of KMR (kitten milk replacer), heavy cream, and acidophilus. But in the future I'll seriously consider finding a marmie mum to foster!
This is adorable. And Mama picking up the bunny to bring her back to the box... awwww.
Mama is all "I shall leeeeck you until you smell like all my other kittehs. Why don't you smell like my other kittehs?"
Mommie Kitty + Bebeh Bunneh = Trooo Luv.
What a great vid.
Behold the awesomeness of marmie cats, bebeh bunnies, and jazz guitar!
You're playing with fire here!
Don't you realize the positively lethal combination that results from putting adorable fluffy kitten right next to precious velvety bunneh?
Well... yeah... why not just mix some cute oily rags and pretty lighted candles, huh?!!... How 'bout that?!!! Sheesh.
I tell you that kitten-bunneh combo is dangerous to any human head who views it. The odds are practically 100% that your....
EGADS! Now THAT was cute! And lol @ "The Money Shot"
Oh Em Gee!
*head asplode*!
Dang it!! My head was about to explode from a sinus headache, but I got it under control. Then I got a look at the sweet little bunbun and his adopted mama, and dang if my head DIDN'T 'splode!!! This time from all the cuteness, though.
That is sweet. There has been a lot of interspecies snorgling lately. I think this is a good sign. Now if we humans could just get along...
I wondered about the milk too, especially cos kittehs eat meat or meat products in their food.
So long as the baby bun survived I ain't complaining. Especially now he's got little marmie brudders and sisters.
OMG im ganna splode from the cuteness!!
OOOOOOOh My Goodness!!!!! Cuter than I evah believed possible!!!
Will babeh bunneh be getting more and more licks as someone starts to smell distinkly bunneh and not cutely kitteh to the mama cat's nose?
The bunnie will grow up thinking its a cat! Can you imagine a bunnie playing with a catnip mouse? Kawaii!!!
Oh, I just so needed to see something like this right now. It has really made my day. %<)
This might just put Berthasevant over the edge - bunneh AND his fave flavor of kitteh!
That's bootiful man! Bunny cat, bunny cat, so cutes. mmm, is it 5:00 yet? guh. I don't have enough energy for my head to splode right now. maybe later.
Well! This is ending a WHOLE lot better than previous cat/baby rabbit interactions I've seen. (Well, usually I just see the aftermath, lying there on the porch . . . if you get my drift.)
so cute....!
Bun will grow up not able to identify potential predators. But a few kittens will grow up knowing not to mess with bunnies -- they kick and scratch something awful.
I'd love to see the sibs playing when they get bigger.
Oh man--if it is possible to kill someone with cuteness, we've just discovered the murder weapon!
The mammalian instict for motherhood never fails to blow me away. It's amazing how cat and dog milk does do well across a lot of species. Carni or veggie... the baby needs are really similar. A lot of wildlife rescuers use cat mild substitute for baby animals. :D
Wonderful story
OH... and a marmie-momma is rare too! They always have such lovely kittens.
Bunnysuckle! Oh, this is just 2 much!!! Want to snorgle and kiss all of them!
What a beautiful family! Arachnophile-I thought marmie mums were rare! Glad to have it confirmed. I have a foster one right now, with 5 adorable kittens-they are a joy. The mum was found with newborn kittens and a prolapsed uterus so it didn't look like a happy outcome at first-but all are thriving! We love them. Henry & Ribsy, Ramona & Beezus and Robert. The mum is Tigerlily.
Excellent names for those kitties!!!
More proof of my theory that a Mommy Red will mother ANYTHING!
Kitten: O HAI! How'd you get here anyway, sis? You look all weird and stuff.
Bun: Well, I know mom gave birth to you guys live and all, but I think I must have come from an egg.
Kitten: ORLY?
Bun: Yeah, mama laid me! Get it? Get it? MARMALADE me! HAHAHAHA! I crack me up.
Kitten: Whatevs. *rolls eyes*
Oof... that's a hard start, Jorden. Kudos to you for helping them along.
...and LOL, Laura
When you think about it, with human bebehs, if mum's a vegetarian (or a vegan, even) her milk's just as good as if mum did eat meat ...
I spose. *looks unsure*
Absolutely right, starling.
"I'd love to see the sibs playing when they get bigger."
Probably look a lot like that "halp!" picture the other day.
Adoption ROCKS!
pleeese everyone go back to the beginning at 0:03 and watch the bun strayche encore a thousand times. aaah!
Nobody needs to eat meat to be a good mom with good milk, starling. So, agreed! :) That was far, far, left field off topic of me, but I thought I'd chime in!
Okay, I have to say it. I'll get yelled at, but here it goes:
Predator nursing prey. Makes 'em tender!
There, I did it. I don't feel good about it, but I went with the first thought that popped in my head.
Dang, the kittehs and bunneh are soooo cute! I hope they stay friends forever!
sploded mess all over desk now. can I go home? Big smiles for the unbearable cuteness of it all !!!!!!!!
my heart just sploded :)
I'm at work, so the video is blocked, but I can see the picture of the kitteh and bunneh. Too frickin' adorable!!!
It's too perfect - let's not forget that baby rabbits are called KITTENS! *head asplode*