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« Oh HAYLE no | Home | Cub benefits from Zoo director's hospitality »
Pretty amazing photo. Right place, right time. Good job! Beautiful birdy.
what kinda bird is that?
:: runs and hides from Theo ::
Those feisty little birds! Every year when we go to Lake Havasu for fireworks we see these long-tailed blackbirds, i forget what brand they are- but they always run up to shiny hubcaps and contemplate the reflections. It's funny!
Great photo. Cute!
Beautiful photo !
Yay, Berthaservant! YAY!!!
Heh...cute, Berthaservant! :D
And AWESOME photo!!
what a great photo!
Aww, that's one beautiful bird...A few days ago, I saw a bird flying between my and my boyfriend's car, looking at himself in both of our mirrors. It was pretty adorable, that's for sure. :)
Objects in mirror are cuter than they appear.
I feel pretty...
Oh, so pretty...
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
UBDK=Urnj burd doan knoe.
Objects in mirror are oranger than they appear.
Hey Gorgeous!
Come here often?
What say we go on back to my nest and make eggs while the sun still shines?
What manner of lovely birdie is this??
Okay I looked and looked and I think I found the right variety It is an Altamira Oriole.
Okay these are even better pictures of the Altamira Oriole
The long tailed black bird is a Brewers Blackbird, and the pretty orange guy having territorial wars wif hisself in the side view mirror is a Tanager I believe.
It appears to be an orange-scarlet tanager:
I tawt I taw a tweety bird
a-lookin back at me...I DID, I taw an orange bird...
"Thank you, Totally Puppy...
Don't call us, we'll call you..."
*Blinks* Now how did my parakeets escape and oh wait it's a much cuter birdie than them. EEEEEEEEEE! WANT IT!
awwww pretty birdy! Looks like a scarlet tanager, but I thought they tend to stay secluded in the forest? whats he doing down with this person's car? :D
Isn't this some variety of finch?
And why is a finch speaking in a mixture of owlese and parrotese?
Dahling! lovely to see you mwah mwah, is that Lacroix.
Wow! Truly great photo!
Great pic-- great comments!
If I remember correctly, that bright little birdie is probably PO'd no end to see another male of his species on his turf.
Aw, my dear recently departed budgie used to tire herself out flapping in front of the mirror if I forgot to cover it up.
Though usually I was already flapping in front of it and she'd sit on my shoulder
great pic
If you scroll half way down this page: http://mariewin.server304.com/marieblog/2007_05_20_mariewinn_archive.html you will see a scarlet tanager. It definitely looks like one of those.
Vermillion flycatcher?
Reminds me of when I put a ceramic cardinal on my windowsill and the local male cardinal took offense. Had to hide it or he would've spent all day at the window.
Theresa's correct. Cute as this looks to us, this little birdie is being aggressive...thinks someone is in his territory and giving him the 'what for." My canary does this all the time.
Wonderful photo. BerthaS; I'm now snorting tea down my nose. I was wondering why you were hiding from Theo, then I worked it out
What an amazing photo! And so cute!
Grace...that may explain why my canary was so fixated on the mirror we gave him. My Mom had read somewhere that birds like mirrors, but our canary would sit in front of it all day and peck at it. We finally got rid of it and he seemed a lot happier. I guess now I know why. Thanks.
Geez, people on this site are so smart! I always learn so much here.
My parakeet used to constantly preen himself and make out with his mirror till it got so covered I had to take it down. He's a messy boy around mirrors but his all time favorite place to hang out is my keyboard. I've learned to frequently clean off my keyboard these days.
Stuart Smalley's program really works!
Stuart Smalley is going to be a US Senator soon.
Because Norm Coleman is a stoopypants.
when I stop to admire myself in peoples mirrors-well its not quite as cute =/
"Stuart Smalley is going to be a US Senator soon."
So he actually was good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people really do like him.
Love to hear the story behind this one. Is it a daily occurence or a one timer? Fabulous photo!