[Please note!] Paw is clutching Butterscotch Fire-mane Sunny-times Ass Tattoo Pony!
Download and sing the My Little Pony theme with me!
My Little Pony, My Little Pony |
Isn't the world a lovely place |
My Little Pony, My Little Pony |
Everywhere you go, a smiling face |
Running and skipping; merrily tripping |
Watching the morning unfold |
My Little Pony, My Little Pony |
What does the future hold? |
Thanks for the earworm jingle, Amber!
Omg omg omg!
I love my little ponies and I love cats. This is my favourite picture ever!
Too bad they are G3 ponies, not the retro ones.
Serenity now...insanity later.
I'm barfing and crapping rainbows. Who doesn't love a pony?
OMFG! I am done for. I am dead.
Oh fer cryin. Ponies are not the same as asses.
Note the contented smile in that thar kitten's face. Too much cute, my eyes are crossing!
heaven, absolute heaven.
Kitty is SOOOO happy. Love that smile.
Eeek!!! Stripy kitteh is smiling! SMILING!!!!
OMG, I nearly went into diabetic coma from the song! It was too cute. And a smiling kitty, too adorabulz! Must go lie down now.
My little pony, my little pony,
You can comb her pretty hair!
Kitty's smiling because she has more ponies than you.
I was always annoyed that they were too small to put Barbies on.
See, this is what happens when you drink too much and the party gets a little out of control. You wake up the next morning in a pile of naked bodies with a tattoo on your ass! Mmm, good times.
chillin with my is great
OMG I loved my little ponies when i was little! And that cat is sooooo cute! This picture just made my day :)
Heh. It's a "tattoosh".
"Tattosh?" Holy pa-sickie of bleenitude! Where do you come up with this stuff? I think it'd be fun to live inside your head for a day. Maybe. Or maybe just a few hours.
He's wishing for a planet full of unicorns?
[...he-eyy! - Ed.]
*Groan* A Tattoosh? Heh. *Walks off wondering if tattoosh can be fit into everyday vocabulary*
I haven't heard that song since I was 7. Wow that was weird.
tattoosh?!?! I AM LOVING IT! Thanks Theo!
You're doing it again, Brinn.
Oooooh..Sugaar rush!
This has me barfing rainbows.
Bwahaha! I broke out into the My Little Pony theme song as soon as I saw that too. Smiley kitty seems happy, but I would've preferred some Strawberry Shortcake and friends myself.
Ponies! My kitties like to try and eat my ponies. Yes. I have ponies. Yes, I am a grown up. It's okay! :)
I need clarification, Brandi... are these full-sized ponies, with stables and tack and currycombs and riding lessons? Because you *might* want to consult a zoologist about your "kitties", if so.
This is so incredibly prosh I can't properly express my emotions. The kitten is SMILING, people, SMILING. You just don't get more blissful than that.
Pony boy, Pony boy,
Won't you be my pony boy?
Oh, I just love my little ponies! I'm a lucky cat!
I own the complete My Little Pony Ass Tattoo collection, including "Strawberry Tramp Stamp"
Interspecies snorgling!
Totally adorabuhls. I loves me some kitties and ponies!!11!1
"Strawberry Tramp Stamp,
Huckleberry Thigh..."
Adorable sleeping kitten AND colorful sweet retro My Little Ponies, all in ONE PICTURE??!!!
That explains it... the sound of 'sploading heads all across COville...
Mystery solved.
** 'spload **
[snork] you said ASS.
My GOD *gasp* that My Little Pony has a "Tramp Stamp"!
*covers kitteh's eyes*
Well, ai guess. Akshullii, ai didden notuss kuz ai wuz lookin at teh kittunn.
Rainbow smiles and pony butt artwork. . . . . KER THUD
OMG so cute. And whoever mentioned Strawberry Shortcake, I forget where I was the other day (in the car I think) and I smelled something that smelled EXACTLY like my Strawberry Shortcake doll used to smell. Talk about flashbacks.
Way WAY too much. Thanks Meg, now I have that dern song stuck in my head... only not the original version but the parody my dad would sing every time the show came on when I was a kid: "My Little Pony, Phoney Bologna..."
Wow, I had a nightmare like this once. Only it was much scarier because it also involved Scott Baio (the Antichrist), freaky circus clowns, and my third grade math teacher.
meg is younger than i am.
if this kitteh was mine, she'd be lounging in the middle of a pile of amputee barbies and naked troll dolls.
and i dont even KNOW the poniee !!1! song.
'shuffles off on old legs kicking dirt'
Wow, I think this is the fastest time I've seen a photo I saw on livejournal FIRST make it to CO more of the cuteness!
zomg she said "ass" I'm like so offended :3
ALERT! ALERT! If playing the My Little Pony theme at work, make sure the volume on your 'puter is down LOW, so the boss doesn't come over and you have to explain why there's picture of a cat and plastic ponies on your screen and your head has 'sploded all over your desk ON WORK TIME!
@scooterpants: I'm right there with you, except the trolls. I do remember Liddle Lockets, where there was a little (2-3") doll inside a plastic bubble "locket".....
I have a blue My Little Pony UNICORN that my dad gave me when I was like 19 years old. (Don't even ask how long ago that was...)It is still sitting right here on the chest in this very room looking at me and wondering why I am "oohing" over the screen. The kittie looks complete drunk on the happyness!
I say again.....
OMG PONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!