Ladies and Gentlemen, The Cutest Kitten in the World
There are really no sufficient words to accurately describe the proshness you are about to witness. Rest-assured the Japanese [shaking fist to sky] beat us AGAIN on this one. This time with the delectable dollop named "Memebon"
[drum roll]
See a LOT more of Memebon, her family and tons of merch over at ;)
the eyes.. omg the eyes, they burn!!
Pets in pots, condition deux.
There's so many rules of cuteness @ play at once that I can't even begin to point them out! Perhaps I shall just say SQUEEEE!, and fall dead to the floor from the cute. *thud*
Neeeeeeeeehhh - waaant! Calicos rule!
Melting! I'm melting!!! OMG this is one adorable mite!!!
i'm not really crazy about this kind of cat. their eyes always look like they're on the verge of falling out :(
My head just exploded!!
Normally I don't like those cats with the pushed in noses, but this one is SUPER CUTE! I wonder what it brothers and sisters look like.
I too don't care for the pushed-in-nose look, but the one where Mama's picking her bebeh up and she's all "HALP!!" cracks me up.
Man o Man...As teh end of tax season rolls cannot beleive how much I need the Qte today!! I'll have to be all like..."Excuse me, go ahead adn keep yelling at me about how you shouldnt have to owe teh government any money, and how I'm a stupid head, I'm just going to snorgle this little kitteh."
help... help... must... press... back button before... it's too
{boooooooooooooooo} <--flatline sound
Love it, love it, LOVE it. Thanks for not holding back on the quantity of pictures.
Kind of ugly actually. sorry.
BTW...what kind of kitteh is this? A Scottish Fold?? (Is that even a kitteh? Sounds like it should be)
Persian I think....scottish folds are ultra cute
OK, hovertexts now added. ALL of them.
Ded. I am ded.
D. E. D.
Bebeh inherited the facial markin's- so tiiiiiiiiny, oh, so, so, YEAH. The straight out the back tail, my fave!
Domo origato!
Maybe you should just shut down the site now. Nothing can ever top that; it was a lifetime supply of cute. It touches so many rules and creates still more.
ooooooo soooo cuuuuuute
This cute kitty disapproves a lot though.
And... does the mom have fire in her eyes ? That would explain a lot. Only a demon can engender a creature so cute you would damn yourself.
My favorite, I think, is the tokyo stomping one. The little ducks! The pastel blanket! The kitteh sniffing the little animals! Looking confused and perplexed, as if to say, "wai u afrade of mes?"
It is the cutest kitten in the world!
Oh. Em. Gee.
It's HRH Miss Mia, as a kittayn. I am immediately whisked back two and a half years to seeing her and her litter mates for the first time. Now you all know how she ended up coming home with me. Who could resist such potent qte? No one I tell you! No one!
Thank the Lo' fo' makin this kitteh!!!
ZOMG!!! *falls out of chair* I have been blinded by the cuteness!!! I can't see! NOOOOOOO!
i am so overly DED, beyond DED, so DED that there is no word to describe how DED i am.
it's too much. too much. can't take it. ok CO you can take a month off now, this will last us at least that long.
Spyro: 'Only a demon can engender a creature so cute you would damn yourself.'
That's the funniest concept I have ever heard...EVA'!
and le's so troo ;)
The nompaw is my personal fave. And I too usually don't go for persians (except Winston)--cats' noses should protrude from their faces! Memebon obviously breaks all the rules.
Squeeee!!! I want!!!!!!!!
Homahgawd. I am slayed by the paw-sucking seductitude.
I'm all 'aww'ed out. I'm just gonna keel over and die.
oh my dear god that is the cutest thing i have ever seen.
In the midst of a really bad day, this was almost exactly what I needed--the only thing better would be to hold it and carry it around with me today as I do a bunch of meaningless things
Awww, so that's what the smooshed face cats look like as kittehs! I always wondered....
*pictures Winston that small*
I SWEAR in that one picture she's sucking her thumb!
Aaaaanh. (head tilt)
That. Sweetest. Bebeh. Kitteh. EVAH!
My eyes caved into mah head. No longer need to QTE. Dis waaay too much WOW!
Bebeh kitteh in cup. I want!
I need all the qte I can get today, thank you, Meg, for posting so many of this little miracle.
My world is shattered because one of the greatest animal lovers I know, my stepfather, is no longer with us. He rescued our Theo when she was two weeks old and even tinier than this little doll.
Please hug your friends and loved ones close (whether or not they walk on four legs or two).
Theo and Theo say Thank You.
Bebeh gripping the little blue octopus is my fave. Would it be so wrong to displace my 4-month-old hooman grandbaby pic with that as my screensaver? Oh, wait, I think I'm asking the wrong crowd that question. . .
[ ***SNORT*** - Ed.]
More baby pics please!
I am not a lover of smooshed faced kitties - or folds - but that's pretty darned coote!
Was she a preemie or a runt? I am unable to read Japanese - so can't figger out anything at their site.
But dang - she's a cootiepie!!!! Someone shoot me to put me out of my painful urges to fly off to Japan to snorgle this kitty right now.
Berthaservant.... I wanted to, offer my condolences and thoughts and cyber hugs for you and your family during this time... may your furfriends and 2 foot friends be a comfort to you in this time.
(((((hugs)))) - a great fan of yours and your gorgeous kitty - Carrie
Awww, BerthaS*, so sorry about your loss :( Big hugs and squooshes to Bertha {{{}}}} (puzzled by the name change, but guess that's insensitive given the circumstances.)
Too cute. I am not addicted.