These bebeh kittehs have BUILT-IN RHYTHM. They're all 'bring on the 18-minute Phish jam, we're ready, bros'
Kelly C., LOVE the couch cover.
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These bebeh kittehs have BUILT-IN RHYTHM. They're all 'bring on the 18-minute Phish jam, we're ready, bros'
Kelly C., LOVE the couch cover.
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Lol, that is so precious :)
That is fantastic! I thought maybe it was a loop, but the kitties lose their balance in different places. Soooo cuuuuttte!
So many puddytats!
I want to BE in THAT room
and snorgling kit-tayns!!!!
OMG...the kitteh paw on sibling's back at the end...too...cute...cannot resist!
What were the kittens watching?
Itty bitty synchro-nikitties!
I love the one that yawns 20 secs into it.
I sent this in too its soo freaking CUTE.
I could watch that all day
I think I'm going to CRY that was so cute.
SIAMESE!! I want a Siamese SOOOOO bad! What a precious little kitty kat!
I've fallen in love with Siamese since I started reading "The Cat Who..." books.
The others are precious, too, but I want that Siamese!
Where did so many darling matching kittehs come from?!
I'm going to have that song stuck in my head now.
Sooo cute!! By the way they're singing 'Crusha, I want some Crusha' it's an English milkshake, makes it even cuter if it looks like their asking for milk shake!
I was staring at that beautiful little Siamese the whole time - it looks like my kitty! She was one oddball siamese in a litterfull of grey cats.
Synchronized fluff balls!
Wow, thats like something Robin would say.
"Holy synchronized fluffballs, Batman!"
Don't know what it is, Audrey, but I've seen Meezer come in huge flocks like that. Check this out:
I like how the kittehs have their own kitteh couch. And the little guy who's being sat on.
Crusha - Some lovely Crusha!
Cute, in it's own way.
WoW Synchronized Kittens.
So when is this new pop groups CD coming out. I gotta learn them dance moves.
This fab bop-fest requires many viewings, because you must devote at least one viewing to each particular kitteh. At first I thought there was just one yawn, but upon further and intense investigation one learns that two of the snickerdoodles in the background each have a yawn. Who knows how many other critical details I'll unearth as I continue to replay this video ALL DAY!
COTV Awards for everyone!
Ten little kittehs, custom seating, and coordinated head-nods - too much!
It's all just too much! This much cuteness is lethal! I don't know what's funnier, the way the little guy who's being sat on keeps his head going in tandem w/ everyone else in spite of the fact he's being squished, the little guy who puts his arm around his brother's shoulder towards the end, or the concentric head swiveling @ around 22 seconds. So much to requires multiple viewings to get the whole effect!
ok i'm so gonna have to OMFG this one!!
This will replace synchronized swimming at the London Olympics. Nearly as daft but not quite.
Kittehs! Kittehskittehskittehskittehs! Squeeeeeeeekittehs!
haha that's redonk, paws down redok
I loved the little guy on the far right with his little stripey legs sitting all cute
so grand
what is love?
baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more
what is love? (love love love)
They must be watching a pointer light on the wall! My cats do that swivel head thing too! (And I vote for the kitten who slings his paw around his sib the cutest!)
Holy frinkin' frickballs.
...they even had to go and throw a little Smeezer kitten in the bunch, just to kill me even dedder than ded.
I can't take my eyes off the little grey-pointed guy in the front. Frankly, he just doesn't have the rhythm of the others and towards the end, he has to hang on to his sibling to keep from falling.
I feel like saying: "Dude, you keep messin' up the dance moves cuz your SITTIN' ON YOUR BROTHER!!"
Wait, I say that every day to my hooman children...
Of the many many examples of extreme cuteness that have been posted on this site - THIS MIGHT BE THE CUTEST EVER!!!
HILARIOUS!! I love the little yawn and the hooking of arm over brother's neck. Sweeties.
I agree - perhaps the best CO ever EVAH!!!
OH MY GAWD at the little guy getting sat on.
Just one word -
Yes, I agree. This is definitely located somewhere far beneath the proverbial lime.
Can anyone here make this into a 100x100 pixel moving icon? I want swivel head kitties to follow me all over the internet FOREVER.
I found the source for the song.
Dancing kitties, soooo kyuuut!
haha, that's a matazone commercial...awesome!
I think this video needs to go in the CO dictionary as the very definition of redonk.
Truly one of the sweetest things ev'a :)
OMG they make life worth living. *aaaah* :)
I absolutely love your blog! It is guaranteed to make me smile each time I visit - keep 'em coming! :)
Did anybody else notice the white kitty had a hard time keeping the beat and yawned? Typically white guy, can't keep a beat. I call it "white boy rhythm disorder". Similarly related to "asian disrhythimia", which is what my Japanese boyfriend calls his dancing...
LOLOLOL cute to DEATH LOL!!! Gotta send this to kittyfans!
are you selling these kitties? I want one!
Plse get rid of this video! I can't stop watching it and I realy ought to be working.
Wow. Meg, bonus for the Phish reference.
I love the guy lying down, it looks like it's a kitteh head growin' from kitteh 'tocks.
There's something about this I don't quite believe, but I'm no expert on video manipulation, so I'll just watch it agin and agin and enjoy.