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Now that's a nice milk 'stache!
that guy seems to have a lot of cheek floof! i love the resigned expression.
Got milk?
....HAD milk!
Milk ring around the face! *faints from too much cuteness*
That is just too cute. And the kitty is soooooo caught in the act. You can see it on his face. He's all "Ok, now how do I get myself out of this one."
Just too cute!
"Milk ring? What milk ring?! * I * don't see any...Oh, *that* milk ring!" (*hides*)
The cat that got the cream:0)
The Yoghurt-Bandit strikes again!
Wow, that's a full 360 degrees of "Got Milk?"
lol!!!! That is the FUNNIEST kitty face I have ever seen! OOOH, I want this desktop-wallpaper sized pretty please!!
mwaahaaa haa haaa!!!
Aquitted on account of Cuteness!!!!
Squee (special very high pitch squee, reserved for extra cute kittehs, can only be heard by dogs and dolphins)
That is SO a got milk commercial.
Rarely do I actually LOL at my computer screen, but this one sent my 6 year old running in to see what was going on. (Yes, he's home. Along with my others. We have our eleventy billionth snow day today-enough already!)
The kittehs look is priceless. I've seen that look on my kitteh when she's caught licking photographs. Does anyone else's cat do that?
Ummm... "kitteh's" look. My english teacher mom would roll her eyes at me. SOrry, mom.
Gahhh!!!!! "Sorry". Not SOrry.
*heads off in search of strong coffee*
Momof2kitties - yes, my Josh (RIP) licked photos and envelop glue (don't ask). Freakishly weird...but he was one of a kind...sweetest little boy you would ever want to meet!
ring around the muzzelpouche!
Kitty needs to call his cattorney!
Wait, is that paint? Look at the background walls...
cute/sad, or funny but not allowed to laugh. (hee, hee)
I'm trying to work out how kitteh got a purrfect milk circle around his/her face. Failed. Oh well and LO *very* L. What a priceless expression.
Momof2kitties, my cat will lick photos too! of course, he also licks my computer and the windows and the table and people and all kinds of weird stuff, so maybe he's just freaky.
bookmonstercats, i'm guessing he put his face down into either a cup of milk or a carton of yogurt trying to reach what was left at the bottom. he probably pushed his face in as far as it would go and maybe he even got stuck. maybe he was rescued by the officer, not harassed!
Our cat "helps" to cut down on some of the vacuuming. He eats little pieces of lint and fluff off the carpet. Such a good boy!
This is such a "Really! I didn't do it!" picture.
Since no one else has...
"They tried to make me go to milk-hab, I said, No, No, Nyerrhhheee....."
that is one gigantic looking head...i wonder what kitteh looks like all wet...
AWWWW! That is hilarious and precious. I want to pet that poofy kitteh!
Theo, I think this cat is the real-life Snooch!!
Okay... this is freakin' heelarious! Oh dear gawd!
Oh, hahahahaha! I'm sitting at my desk at work and started lol'ing....I wonder what my co-workers think of me now....oh well. Cute aminals are better than co-workers any day.
"Wha? I dint do nuthin! Don't tase me, bro!"
LOL, Babs!
MADE MY DAY! Love it love it love it! ah you guys are going to kill me one day with these...
This is your cat.
This is your cat on milk.
Got any questions?
Babs -- I think you mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactase
Momof2kitties - our cats won't lick photos (probably b/c of the severe lack of them >.> ) but they LOVE to lick plastic! Even when it hasn't had anything in it! Plastic grocery bags are especially tasty.
Babs (pt. 2) -- http://teho.vox.com/library/post/it-is-definitely-friday.html
That would explain the cat hair in my milk glass, the other day. Oh Darien, I think we need to chat. (Darien is our grey kitteh who likes de milky goodness).
My cat too!! Of the 5 cats I have owned since I was little (20 yrs or so) the one I have now, Thumper, is OBSESSED with licking plastic bags!!! It has carried over to various plastic wrapped items such as the package of toilet paper or unopened cigarette packs (bleah) We even discovered last year that she enjoys licking a Xmas paper!
I dunno what kind of chemicals might be in these things but with my kitteh being a cat-nip'oholic, it must be something gooooooood ;)
Oh, the post - yoghurt container licking face! Just like my dear Saphir (also a blue haired fattie)...
looks like paint or glaze.
since milk really wouldn't be stuck to the glass or cup like that. and besides theres no milk drippy hangin off his cute little mouf.
I think the "yogurt container" conclusion might just be correct.
Give him the breathlizer for catalactobasillyness, Officer Toody.
..."Toody" ??
DivaPie - my cat loves licking plastic bags too. I read once there is a chemical that attracts them!
My cat also enjoys licking my arms after I've put on moisturizer. Barf.
Oh, I forget yr just a kid.