This behbeh!
Check him out, all rockkin 'n' stuff. It's like he's checking out his new super hooves for the first time or something. Sproinnng!
Love the slow-mo moments espeshe.
Kora M., another brilliant submeeshe.
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Check him out, all rockkin 'n' stuff. It's like he's checking out his new super hooves for the first time or something. Sproinnng!
Love the slow-mo moments espeshe.
Kora M., another brilliant submeeshe.
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Don't break an ankle (hoofkle?) little guy!!
I want one!
oh, little Hebrew Goatstein is wearing a yamulka! too cute!
beautiful, happy goatty! oooooo...I also want one : )
(Hava Nagila would have made a great soundtrack to his frolicking.)
Was that the Minuet in G from "The Music Man"? I think it was. La dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah...
nice job, kid!
I vant to be a leetle goat! That looks like fun! Plus you get a snack when you're done.
omg what a cutie!
what amazing colors - matchingks white booties in the front, matchinkgs black booties in the back with little white ankles. and a little white cap! good grief!!
Where can I get shoes like that?
P.S. Farm Animals?
It's just so cool that he seems to have the sproinging just built in! He doesn't have a mama goat to show him the pleasures of sproinging, but he just *knows*. He knows.
He looks so happy!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)
It's just so cool that he seems to have the sproinging just built in! He doesn't have a mama goat to show him the pleasures of sproinging, but he just *knows*. He knows.
Now THAT is what I call a FROLIC.
SO cute!!!!
OMG!!! He ez soooo CO! I diez! Iz wants to so hugz heem an hugz heem an hugz heem!!!!!! Then jumpz wif heem an jumpz wif heem!!!!
It would appear that the babbeh goat is a distant relative of Tigger of Pooh fame.
The wonderful thing about tiggers,
Is tiggers are wonderful things,
Their tops are made out of rubber,
Their bottoms are made out of springs,
They're bouncy,trouncy,flouncy,POUNCY,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!!
Oh, SNAP!! Lovin' that twistin' jumpy bit at the end. He was like all, "Yay! Rocks! How did they know I wanted to run on ROCKS! And...OMG...SNACKIES!!!" Baby goats are de besht.
This "kid" could give lessons in the fine art of the binky.
Take it from a Rabbit Dad, this "kid" is GOOD.
I love the twisty jumps and the kickin the back hooves 'out' superman jumps.
i think its the misty background and the cool old shed and everything about this setting that brings a tear to my eye, its just so 'joyous'!
i must say- "Best Post Ever". there i've said it.
What is catnip for goats?
Also love his little yammaca (sp?)
Kids these days. I want one!
OMG, I think I want a goat! :-P
He's adorable.
I'm picturing him now taking a little nap after his rockersize and bottle.
No wonder he's a happy guy, considering where he lives. It looks like heaven! And he gets bottle fed too!
On YouTube there is another video of the same baby goat...and his girlfiend! It is even cuter than this one - and I didn't think that would be possible!
It's called "Baby Goat: Dale Jr. (Part 2)"
And dont forget part two, where Dale Jr goes on a surfing safari and meets a hot young chicky.
What a joy watching that little guy!
I think Doctors need to perscribe baby goats to depressed and anxious folk! I feel so happy and stress free after watching that lil behbeh frollicking. He enjoys the world so much! Aieeeeeeeeee!
No wonder he's a happy guy, considering where he lives. It looks like heaven! And he gets bottle fed too!
baby goats and lambs are the best. it's so much fun to feed them and play with them. my grandparents raised tons of sheep and goats. in the summer it was the children's job to feed them. good times, good times :)
OMG!! I've never seen a happier beeing in my entire life! I wanna sproing sproing like that across the rocks as well!! At first I went a leetle protective and was worried that Dale Jr (how cute is that name?) might hurt himself -and then I remember that he was a goat.. that's what goats do.. frolic amongst rocks!
Btw.. did you check out the part two on Dale Jr? Sooo cool AND he meets his new gf! *splodes*
What a hamburglar...stealing the show and all!!!
hee! I love how he just sproings into the air.
my foster bunneh does that sometimes - he just suddenly hops up in the air and shakes himself...
I have no idea what it means - I'm hoping it's a happy thing...
any ideas from the bunneh peeps out there?
Kid on rock violence is NOT CUTE!
Ok, just kidding. I WANT TO BE THAT KID!
It means ya did good, ceejoe. Ya did good and bunny is happy! :D
Is he a mountain goat? I wonder why he kept sproinging all over the top of the rocks.. like he was practicing or something.. but now I want a goat. Oh, and a moose, too. Ungulates? Do I have that right? (too lazy to look it up..)
I am reminded of Much-Afraid.
Anyone else go to a Christian elementary school?
Awww, springy lil guy. I wanna grab him and hug him.
A little mini mountain goat on his own private mini Rocky Mountain range! (Complete with beverage service after a hard day on the slopes!)
oh my god, i could BARF. that is too cute.
Loooove the flashdance legwarmers.
Too kewte! The vertical sproinging action just about did me in!
He's a maniac!
Maaaaniac on the stone!
It's as if gravity pulls less strongly on him than on everyone else!
Now I know why the word 'caper' is Latin for 'goat'.
THIS is why I go to this site a zillion times a day.
Ok, this goat made my day. Lookit those itty bitty hooves! And OMG, Dale, Jr? The freaking cutest little goat name evar!
I love goats. They are like cats...with hoofs! I also love how bebeh goats have sturdy little legs--like toddlers--rather than those legs you have to grow into like colts and calves. Anerable. (sigh)
Is that a Suzuki piano soundtrack?
Hehehe love the pygmy goats... he is so SPROING SPROING lets play come on get over here and JUMP.