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« Less Caturdays in 2008! | Home | I like big nuts and I cannot lie »
She kind of looks like she's just humoring the joke-teller. She's coming off as a bit sarcastic.
1. Your comment is definitely ROFL-worthy.
2. Your screenname is even better.
Dat wuz meh, Brinn.
Should've known something that clever would come from T[Ed.]!
[Stop it, Shrek... nobody likes a ki$$-@$$. - Donkeh]
cute...but seemingly EVIL
i mean look at dose TEETHES
I used to think seals were cute ... until I saw one eat a penguin.
jess -
well they can't eat pizza! lol
cute cute! great pic!
So harsh, Jessica. A boyfriend once broke up with me using the same line: I thought you were cute until I saw you eat a penguin. Not my fault I eat penguins--it's in my genes.
is this the seal of approval?
redzilla - lol
Is this the official CO Seal of Approval? (Compare Bun of Disapproval: http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2007/07/complete-and-to.html#comments)
I can smellz the fish on her breff... but shes vurry qte... Luuuuurvez da seel..
This seal just heard my son's favorite joke:
Why do Pilgrims' pants always fall down?
I don't know. Why?
Because they have their buckles on their hats!
Hoo Hoo!!
I'm not sure what surprises me more:
That joyous, wonderful, gut-deep laugh,
or the knowledge that seals floss.
This seal is also constantly high, so the laugh doesn't really count. (Small amounts are legal in Alaska).
Another Iowa caucus-goer succumbs to Mitt Romney's wackadoo sense of humor...
more like Romney's wackadoo sense of candidacy...
Donkeh, nem calling iz nawt nyce. And stawp singing!
I would totally vote for this seal.
This seal makes me smile. I think it is tewtelly the CO Seal of Approval, pheas.
Nice work on the hover, Teho.
Look at the teeth!!
They're so adorable!!!!!
I wish this seal would tell me the punchline to the Aristocrats because I've never heard it.
Happy Noooo Year Meggiweg!! You're on top form! The sealio! The horseh cap-shons! Just got back, not feenished catching up. My oscar for 2007 goes to Mom and bebeh calico kittehs - the licking, the flailing tineh helpless pawpads! ***Meltdown*** Yay for another year of much needed cute and sillehness!
Lurker -- I didn't do this one! It was all Meg. I actually had to Google the reference!
MaggieBelle--The punchline IS "the Aristocrats"! (the set-up is the booking agent asks the family of performers what they do in their act, they then describe all kinds of debauchery. Then the agent says "What do you call yourselves?" or, variably, "What's the name of the act?"
I bet that's the cleanest telling, EVAR!!!!!
And Happeh Nooooo Year Teho and Fambly! (Guess we need to be prepared for more Donkehisms in the weeks ahead... That's fine with this Donkette!)
Poohbear, is Teho bein' a donkeh (heehee) in other posts too?
Gail - Ahh...I see. I saw that documentary they did on HBO about that joke, but I never did get it.
And you're right...that IS the cleanest telling EVAR! ;)
Wow. I am going to interrupt this hilarious comment thread to say that this is the funniest comment thread I've read in a while.
As you were.
Oh noes! Ew. Blech. Just read the hover. That has got to be the unfunnehest joke in the History of the Universe. Not on CO, pleeeze! (Beginning of a commentroversy?)
Cute patootie Seal looks like it's sunbathing ^^ The face of a happy seal enjoying the sun.
ROIFLMAO (roll on the ice floe ...)
"hearturn, Nausea, upset stomach,indigestion...Dia.....hmmmm ..I smell a Peptol Bismol commercial star here.. ..among other things...feeshies...
Me thinks the seal is laughing at the LOLCat Bible.
Silent Meow.. (if thats your real name )"shifty eyes" you maybe onto something......Seriously
Of course Silent Meow is not my real name! LOL!
And, Silent Meow is really not silent at all. It's more like this: Be silent! Meow!
I love eet!!
Ok, Amy. Since you know that Silent Meow is not my real name, who am I?
While Amy guesses who I am, I am going to go haz me a cheeseburger. Bee back later to check on dis.
I think the seal is watching "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!"
"We're Seals for your Approval
Refusing all removal
To Seaworld scenes and base routines
With footwork impeccable.
We gossip here and eat alot,
We eat de-lish fish and dish a lot.
Our wits are the stuff of fable,
Our humor's formidable,
We bark at times, when given rhymes
That are quite unsingable.
We're punning mad though some are not,
But we have to look up words a looooooot.
In seas we're prosh and able,
Quite indefatigable,
Between our quests for sailor's nets,
To find food for the table.
It's sometimes hard to laugh alot,
We push the envelope alot."
Aubrey! your song makes me clap my flippers and say ark ark ark!
Seals with dictionaries, looking up words a lot! Bwah!
Aubrey! That is brilliant, even for you.
ork ork ork ork.
Aubrey, somewhere Graham Chapman is smiling. Bravo!
OMG ... I Googled the hovertext. [groan]
To me Madamoiselle Seal looks like a bored debutante at a ball trying to look happy!
"Oooh, that's simply hi-LARIOUS, darlingk!" [muttering under breath]
''Oh my aching sides.''
Oh noes. Now I cannot read Teho's comments without reading them in Eddie Murphy's voice ...
wow~~~cool, cool, cool! I'd like to post this on casualpal.com, they will like this. haha
Aubreeeeeeeeey!!! Wa-hey!
and Subh, that *is* unfortunate... I can do so many others...