Teh Best of Teh Best of Teh Cute 2007
[Casey Kasem voice] It's the most, listiest time of the year, when bite-sized, potent summaries are compiled from the 2007 content you've enjoyed most. On this last day of the year, we give you Teh BEST of Teh Best of Teh Cute. And, thanks to the Writer's Strike, there will be no jokes between categories, only thunderous applause.
And now, on to the Best of the Best...
In the best of the Birds category: This little guy made it just under the wire. He was submitted yesterday, and won our hearts. So he ties with Back Street Bros Cockapoo. [down-tempo Casey Kasem voice]
And now, a bird with more rhythm than most white Peeps:
[violin music] For best of Bunnehs, it was The July 27th posting from Sender-Inner Cindy C. and photographer Blake I—their take on an English-accented, odor-absorbant bun, who asked stated: "All clean Suh!" [Shaking head] adorable.
Cats 'n' Racks, a favorite among the Academy, gives this year's best award to...
Making Biscuits on a Rack! [Thunderous applause] For its amazing videography and story-telling. [Surging orchestra goes into commercial]
The best Cute or Sad? category award goes to "Blues Guitar Riff" a sweet heartbreaking rendition of "Moonshine (One Pup's Howl)" Left everyone saying: "Baroo."
[curtain peels back to show the Cute Overload dancers]
I've lost all mah moneh...
my girl and mah car.
and now I got nuthin' but...
a paw cast and mason jar
A jar of mooooooooooooonshine [howls]
In Farm Animals this year, it could ONLY BE one choice... [tyhpany drums]... From Sender-Inner Jennifer H..."MMmmmm, SNOUTLICIOUS!!!" [Standing ovaishe]
Nipping on the gross heels of the Farm Animals category, it's the "Gee-ross!" category, with clear winner; "Um.... OK"!!!
The US Hedgehog/Kitteh Massage and Awareness Coalition is proud to present this year's Hedgehogs category winner, Krisa B.'s entry: "Spiny Masseurs"!
Hedge: "Bonsoir—can I eentereste you in a swedeshe massage?"
[dainty paws start workin']
Kitteh: [thinking] what the—are these guys acupuncturists!?
Kitteh: [thinking] wayle, OK—maybe I'll try a few minutos—
Hedges: Try the lavender oil—all our clients love eet [More dainty paw massages]
Kitteh: Um, this is better than buttermilk, People
Hedges: Yais—I am sensing and snorting an essence of satisfactshons here... [continues with dainty paws]
The Horses category boasts a TIE for the best, with "Miniscule Ponitude"
neck and neck with "Step Aside Travolta" [clap/clopping hooves sound]
A new popular category this year; I Shall Leeck You, brought MANY leecking images to the Academy's attention, including this year's winner; "People, I could not post this fast ENOUGH" sent in by Megarouge:
Another new category, Thanks to Theo [Theo stands up, takes well-deserved bow, ovation from audience follows] was Interspecies Snorgling. [Violins start] Interspecies Snorgling became the second-most popular category, after "Kittens" and produced a THREE-WAY TIE this year, with: "People, Redonkulousness @ a whole nutha leva" [Clapping]
"Double Shifty Eyes" [Clapping]
and... "CHICKEN HATCHES KITTENS!" [Overwhelming screaming]
Our most popular category, Kittens, produced A FOUR-way tie this year, with the judges awarding:
"Do NOT watch this, you can't HANDLE it (2 Cute 2 Furry-ous)",
"Cats Talking",
"Cats Talking - Translation",
and the "Mini Meow Kitten Rescue"!
We'll be right back after these messages.
The Cartoons category was COMPLETELY revitalized this year with the winning entry: "It's Caturday Morning..." from Simon T. of Tandem Films, sent in by Elaine G.
The "Good Times!" award goes to the one unusual, unexpected moment when something good happens, causing what the Academy likes to shout: "Good Tiiiiiimes!" This year, it was a surprise 'Will you Marry Me?' from C.O. reader Colin, to his girl Jess. She said yes. [Audience starts crying]
The first-ever 2007 Cute Overload Lifetime Achievement Award goes to that person, that animal, that event that gives SO MUCH [orchestra building] Without a doubt, the winner this year is the FABULOUS WINSTON, who graced us with his annoying meows, to his Rice Krispy Treat Halloween costume, his potato-eating and Thanksgiving gluttony, to his Santa screeching. Thank YOU, Winnie.
caturday morning
Caturday morning
(I actually just watched it today but my daughter brought Miss Huggums in and I'm scared now)
Happy Bleening New yEAR!
Aww...2007 was a very cute year hehe =D
So many wonderful cute posts and that Caturday Morning Cartoon still Making me laugh... I think when it was first posted I watched it at least ten times.
Meg many many thank yous for all the cute posts with witty captions...You are amazing...I don't know how I would have gotten through this long hard year with out your site. also because of your site I have met some really awesome peeps.
and Theo Thank you for lots of clever comments cleaning up some messy messes and also for the funniest Hover texts ever. And for helping us get the unofficial cute talk discussion forum http://cutetalk.informe.com up and running you are awesome.
And all the peeps who come and comment and make CO a really nice place to visit everyday even when there is a commentroversy.
What an amazing year! So many memories! So much laughter! SO MUCH QTE!!!!!
THANK YOU Meg and Theo for all of your hard work! Cute Overload is always the best (or second-best) part of my day!!!
yes! Winnie for Cat of the Year hands down.
Thank you Cute Overload. I keep comming back for more, and I'm ringing in the New Year with you!!!!
Thank YOU Meg and Theo for making every day of this year a little brighter. I don't remember life without CO. Happy new year full of Qte for all!!!
Uhhh... Snoutlicker was 2006.
Should cute acquaintance be forgot,
and snorgling brought to mind?
And paws up postingks be for naught,
in days of the best cute times?
We'll take a cup o’ Qteness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you’ll comment on pom-chick-gate!
And surely a soft kronsche I'll take!
And we'll cuddle a pet o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
Winston has meowed around our plates,
and chowed potatoes fine;
The wake-up kitty kneaded our weary head,
giving a meowlicious whine.
Two otters have paddled in the stream,
holding hands in the chilly brine;
A horsie between us has pranced and danced
since auld lang syne.
So here’s a hand for our trusty Meg!
And trusty Theo doth also shine!
And we’ll make a bleening good-will cheer,
for bestest evar cute lang syne.
The award for All-Time Most Existence-Enhancing Experience is hereby presented to all the peeps making and sharing Teh Qte. A million thank yous from the bottom of my heart.
(and surely Song of The Year goes to "I Ate Too Moishe"!!)
What a great year in cute!
However, the airport guide pony missing a sneaker is missing from this post... MY favorite post of the year!
Ahhhh, this is good!
Happy New Year, Meg and Theo! Thank you for Teh Qtee.
Happy New Year!
Thanks to Meg and Theo for this awesome website that has become a daily (hmm, hourly) ritual.
And congrats to Winston for his lifetime achievement award :)
You real that I'll be protesting the awards ceremony until the academy recognizes a sweater/knit category don't you?
I'd like to also suggest a fish/amphibian category, that Birthday party definitely takes the cake (or sardine tin) for that one.
Or how about the entry that meet the most Rules of Cuteness?
And not to be a downer, but we could always use a memorial montage for all of those we've lost this year . I promise to clap just like they do at the Oscars.
Thanks for another great year of cuteness!
PSSST *whispers* The "Back Street Bros Cocktiel" is actually a cockatoo. Big difference!
Great post otherwise, love it!
All awesome selections! (Of course, I think I'm partial to the "Cats Talking" video, but that's because it was my submission.)
And that photo of Winston dressed like a krispie treat will never fail to make me laugh. That's better than a freakin' Valium.
I love the translation for cats talking. I laughed so hard at work my boss asked if I needed a vacation.
*applause* great show. good times.
(like the idea of a memorial montage, kar.)
happy new year, everyone...
he's looking at me
winston read my comment on his santa vid where i schadenfreude'd at his comeuppance, and now he's miffed (and yes i can tell)
i may have to change my login and move to another thread...
Thanks, Meg!
You and your compadres bring a little ray of sunshine [head tilt: awwwwwwwww].
Nice to see some of my faves, too: pup on khaki pants, irked krispie Winston, kitteh wiv basah ball batte, and the cat translation featuring a Bob Newhartesque 'Meow' makes me literally LOL.
Gods bless CO and all who sail in her!
excellent choices!!
so glad the talking cats/and translation made the final cut. that is one on my all-time favs.
happy new year CO!
Awesome. CO was a part of nearly every day of 2007 for me. And I loved every second of it!
That boid (a Great Tit, in case you'd all forgotten) KEELS me. Thanks for all teh qte, Meg!!
Winston! Winston! Winston!
Truly, 2007 was the year of Winston.
Happy New Year, Meg & Theo. Thanks for the "awwww"s, as they were badly needed in 2007. Let's hope '08 is a cuter year for it.
Cats bless us, every one (breaks down and sobs)
As I scrolled down to each winnar, I was all "anh!"... and then I got to the Lifetime Achievement Award! YAY WINSTON!!! I just love that smooshy-faced little piglet.
My hands hurt from clapping, my throat is raw from screaming! What a fabulous tribute!
And, misscrisp, ROFLMAO, as soon as I recover my voice, I will be singing your song!!!
Meggie and Teho and Sparkster and Schmoopy (for sharing her Rescue Rack), Thanks for Teh Qte. You have filled my year with delight. I have shared this web site with many many many people. C.O. has even made homeless kids laugh hard while they're in my scary office.
I look forward to more Qte and more laughs and more commentroversies and of course more puddins in 2008.
a wonderfully cute year, Meg - thanks so much for documenting it for us - you have shown great wisdom in honoring Winston - I love Winston so f-ing much it f-ing hurts - whenever I need to smile I put on the 'Winston is annoying' video
Best. Use of Casey Kasem. Ever.
I highly approve of Winston winning Lifetime Achievement.
Thx for the cute everyone. Here's a snorgle for 2008!
This is the best awards show EVAR! Not a boring moment or an undeserved award to be seen.
Espesh Winston's Lifetime Achievement. Well-deserved indeed.
And a Super-Mega-QTE award to Meg for bringing us all this (and a Mega-QTE one for Teho's help).
Yay! Thanks for everything, Meg and Theo - y'all are the best! And I couldn't be happier with the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Truly a star was born this year. Here's to Winston! *clink*
Meg, we included the Cute Overload marriage proposal in our own top 10 cutest things of 2007 list! Way to go on another awesomely cute year!
Loved. Loved. Loved the awards ceremony, some real tear jerkers in there. But *ahem* where was the pups category? Did I miss it? Who won most prosh pup of 2007? Happy New Year Meg and Theo, Patches and I heart you immensely, even if you won't post his picture.
Meg & Theo - thanks for having this site!
Yay Winston!!
There's one missing I think: the whistling guy and the howling puppy, remember?
That one was SO cute my head just exploded.
Greetings from a huuuuge fan of CO in sunny Brazil :)
No Moses and Cheeps?!?!?!??
Hands down winner in Interspecies Snorgling category, IMHO.
The rest is lovely by the by.
Thanks, and to all, a lovely New Year.
I feel so honored that my snout licking submische made it, I feel I must curtsy.
Then I MUST SAY A HUGE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Meg and Theo. I'm not a huge commenter but I am a huge fan and check up on the qte 4-5 times a day. It gets me through the down times and makes the good times sweeter. You guys are so fab...
Cheers to 07! May 08 be a record breaking year of cute.