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ohmygosh! What's the answer?
aaaaawwwwww!! i'm dying to know!
is that a message from the cat?
I'd marry my cat, if he asked.
If it is from the cat, this could also go into "interspecies snorgeling".
Oh, that's adorable! Creative, too...
Lucky lady.
Seriously, any guy who proposes this way is a catch! I hope we find out the answer.
Best. Proposal. EVAR!
I'll marry you!! :)
Well if that isn't the cutest proposal ever.. I hope my boyfriend is taking notes.
This could spark a rash of proposals, which would be very, very cute!
Dude, that cat is INTENSE.
*head tilt*
The look on the cat's face is perfect! And the fact that the guy knew his cat has this look, and set up the proposal like this, knowing he could get the cat to do this look, is priceless! Lucky girl.
How could any girl resist?!?! We're waiting for an answer here please thank you.....
sweet ^^
I'll bet the cat tried to catch the camera two secs later....
Cutest. Proposal. Ever.
If Colin had only thought to get a Swedish Ewok to sing a little song with this picture, he'd have it in the bag!
Many congratulations!
Wow, this happened on stuffonmycat too; aaaaaand it took forEVER for the answer!!!
Really great post, Meg!
Spikey-tailed cat is spikey with anticipation.
Yay! That's the coolest post ever!
can i neeble on kitteh's floofy tail during the ceremony?
I'm refreshing like crazy. I'm so curious! Hehe
Kitteh is cuuuute
Who could resist those eyes! I wonder if the BF knows his intended visits CuteOverload?
[Pretty sure he's *depending* on it, actually... - Ed.]
You know, I think the simple fact that somebody wanted C.O. to be their marriage-proposal vehicle is cooler than the Webby awards, or getting written up in Time Magazine, or pretty much any recognition we've had to date.
Maybe by the third time this has happened I'll feel differently, but for now...
That guy is worth his weight in gold, Jess! You're one lucky girl! And I love Mr. Kitty, he's all, "please please please?" Annerable. I hope he's the ring bearer!
Ahem, JESS. Kitteh is waiting waiting waiting for an answer. Kittehs are not known for payshons. Plis to answer kitteh now!
where the hell is Jess?!
This proposal is being totally wasted on us.
But I would def marry the kitty, or we could live together, either way.
Theo, is that a pika in the yay photo? Kinda looks like he's burpin? If so, that makes it even better.
And I think as happy as we all are for this couple, we're also secretly jealous that we did not think of it first!
This is so cool!! I loved it on SOMC. Be prepared, be very prepared, Meg & Teho, for massive refreshes on CO for the next 24 hours.
Good Luck Colin!
Christine -- the pika is from here:
Patience everyone! Meg just posted!
I remember the proposal on SOC where we had to wait for a whole day. Just dyingks!
Too sweet (unless she says "NO"). I know a guy who got rid of his 10 year old cat because his girlfriend was allergic. His dear kitty looked a lot like this kitty. This is a better guy, I'll bet.... but then again, so are most guys in this case!
I am camping out this page until we hear about the reply. Seriously.
How could anyone say no to that face?? They couldn't, that's how.
This is sooo cute! My fiance proposed to me on St.Patricks day (March 17th) in a Pet Store right next to the hamster wheels. I'm planning on getting a hamster, just because of it!! :)
Too sweet (unless she says "NO"). I know a guy who got rid of his 10 year old cat because his girlfriend was allergic. His dear kitty looked a lot like this kitty. This is a better guy, I'll bet.... but then again, so are most guys in this case!
Jess say Yes!
Yes, Jess, Yes!
*joins the eager anticipating crowd*
EEEEE! This is exciting! What's the answer?! Who could resist, anyway?
Whoa, does anybody else get the sense that the kitty is just as interested as any of us in the reply? I mean, lookit that face, he's all "yeah, will you marry him? will ya, huh??? Can I be da ring bearer, Dad?"
wheres the ring?
the kitteh is cute and all, but hard to get wrapped around left finger, and keeps fallin off all the time.
Just to be perfectly, tiresomely clear... "Colin B." isn't the CAT, right?
See how the mainsail sets...
Sky, you are right! He does look like he can't wait to hear the answer.
Come on Jess,check it out! We are all eagerly awaiting your answer!!!!
congratulations jess & colin!
i'm with "i'll marry the cat," the stare of that cat is INTENSE! It's kinda like a "You better say yes or I'm coming after you!"
The whiskers on that cat are delicious.
Meg, we know you don't put up many human pics, but do you think you might be able to talk them in to posting a pic with thier snuggable kitty after she says yes???
I'm tempted to add the "I Shall Leeeeck You" tag to this post.
Because I am very very bad.
OMG someone get Jess!!!
Send out the cat patrol!!
Inquisitive minds wanna know!! TO THE COMFY CHAIR!!!! Um...er...
Good luck, Colin!!
Jess, c'mon!!! If yer man is using kitty cuteness to win yer heart fer keeps, he's a mushpot fer life!!! GO WITH IT!!!
Look in to my eyesss. You WILL answer yesss to the proposssal.
Theo, can you do your moderator voodoo and find out when Jess usually makes her comments? That would let us know when she's most likely to be online and see it.