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Almost Jabba the Pupp.
Pbbbbllllttt! Who's a tubby puppy? You are! That's Right!
Splode!! I just want to munch on that little pug belly!!
Looks like a little old man with his shirt off! Heeeeee!
do i got an innie or an outie?
a little old "crotchety" man
Uncle ROY! ! How many times must I tell you to wear your boxers while we have company!! ***blushing***
I wanna snorgle that pugnaious pug..............
asap, Mila snorgle that bebeh puppeh for me Please
thank you
So cute!!
*pokes belleh*
I just snorted right out loud at the sight of that belleh!
But luvinmalssomuch, would a PUG wear BOXERS?
/lame breed joke
I just want to pat that belly.
Look at da feets...look at da feets...want to kiss the puppy paws!!!!
How could you not love that tummeh.
Christina, Okay okay how about a wife beater shirt and a pair of thongs. Don't forget a bottle of bud.
Pug: left eye checks left person-hand while right eye checks right person-hand. Yep. We match.
[takes a number]
[gets in line]
[takes another number]
I just can't stop laughing, I swear he looks like alittle old man. Not that I think little old men are cute but he is adorable. Look at the chest hairs. He is just tooooo daggone cute.
This pup looks like a Sea Monkey!
Ahaha! I just audibly gasped and squeed. He is adooooorable!
I'm expecting him to smoke a cigar and curse at me MIB style. *giggles and runs off with the alien puppy*
OMG, This little guy is sooo cute. It actually made me laugh out loud- at my desk- at work.
"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die."
(Yeah I know, that's Goldfinger, not Blofeld. Still a good line, though.)
Am I missing something? Or more to the point, is "he" missing something? Looks like a little girl puppeh to me? Never mind, still totally cute!
[takes number]
[gets in line after Theo]
:::bellypoke::: [very gently - this be a very bebeh puggeleh]
[takes another number]
OMG, sitting in a lap!!
I like how his hands are just so!
The Puggular Bodhisattva sits in the fabled Denim Throne, and receives his Disciples. Legend has it that poking the Sacred Belleh hastens the journey to Enlightenment.
takes a number- gets in line behind mberkie0 .
rub rub rub the lil belly.
no poking, that can get irritating after a while.
rub rub rub, kiss kiss.
oops, hogging puppeh, move to back of line behind luvins and kiragirl.
Just KEEL me, why don't you?? The urge to schnorgle the tubbeh belleh is UNBEARABLE!
I'm gonna go nawm on my doxie's ears. Maybe that'll make me feel better...
I bet she's still gots new puppeh smell, too!
The more I see pugs, the more adorable I think they are. I may have to get one someday..
Need CO extreeeeme close-up of belleh wrinkles!!!!
Must. Have.
Lucky owner to have a lap-over dog.
Is it "chubby young 'uns" day, by any chance?!
I can't even handle her tiny little baroooooo face! Must kees belly chub!
OMG! Looks like mine when he was a baby - so totally anerable and needs to be snorgled. I lurve him!!! Pugs Rule (at least at my house)!
BuddhaPug is Zen.
"In his later years, Prime Minister Churchill was well known for resting on the laps of young ladies, his belly exposed, as he told them of stories from the waning days of the great war or his old pals in the R.A.F. Here he is a photo from the late 1940s, one of the few moments of the day he was apparently without his trademark cigar and brandy."
he's pugdorable! ^^
For some reason my guttular regions look very similar to that, but aren't nearly as cute--hmmmmmm.
Okay, show of hands: How many of you actually poked that belly with your cursor? Then did it again?
I want to poke eet...pokepokepoke.
..Must rub belly - good luck to rub pug budda belly - take number behind liz
maymee, you have perished from the power of the pug paunch.