If your local purring machine is unavailable, try THIS
To instantly put you at ease, try visiting this handy web pagie.
You'll instantly feel calmer, and/or happier. Guaranteed to help before difficult meetings, and aid in preparation for the in-laws' Holiday visit.
Thanks, I feel much better now, Penelope :D
And that is one bleenin' beautiful kitteh, too! :)
Aaahhh, I feel calm and peaceful.
purrs are one of my favorite sounds. aaahhmmm.
zzzz... oh, that made me so relaxed I could barely wake up to type Thanks!!
Now that I feel relaaaaaaxxxxxxxxed, I can go study trigonometry with a clear head. Thanks, CO! I needed that! :o)
aww that looks EXACTLY like my cat Milow :-) :-) :-) except my kitteh doesn't purr that loudly!
Actually, with that pic it's my Rusty, which scares me. He ain't nicknamed Bratty McBratterson for nuthin'!
I should add, he purrs 24/7, whether he's happy or not, so the purring ain't necessarily peaceful.
I am so calm now....(snore)...HUH. Oh, sorry,dang kitteh was too soothing.
Absolutely adorable Kitty! Although that totally negated the caffeine I had this morning! ZZZZZZZZZ
That site is very helpful for us peeps who are away from home and without their kitties. Thanks a bundle!!!
Just a head's up -- if that website starts to generate too much traffic, the moderators are going to remove the link and replace it with something offensive. It has happened to Digg articles before ... so watch out!
[Noted, thanks... - Ed.]
Oh, I should add it's because every ytmnd website takes up a whole lot of bandwidth, so this is one of those few occasions where a lot of traffic is bad for them.
Thank you so much! When my dad was in the hospital during his final illness, he rather plaintively said "I'd sleep much better with a cat on the bed". Don't we all?
tha is a purrfectly tuned motor is i ever heard one!
so hapeeee
Not unlike the tape of the burning Christmas log on TV eh?
You made me pat my screen. Yet again.
Need to go find my kittehs for an emergency snorgle Stat!
Aw, this came at the right time. My best friend just had a death in her family, so when she has quiet time and needs some soothing, I sent this her way. :3
Excellent! I may leave this up all day while I'm at work. We'll see, it may get too relaxing though.
I seem to recall a way that web pages can be used as one's desktop wallpaper - this is the perfect candidate!
Ha ha-- that got my cats' attention!
That looks just like my teaspoon who purrs like that all the time. I think I am going to listen to that all day at work. I will never have a bad day again. Anyone know what kind cat it is?
omg! i just had the overwhelming desire to hug my moniter! and i did start coo-ing to the inter-kitty.... very cute.. thank you for this post meg.
Very Zen.
:( For some reason it is blocked at work, for having content that is "Adult."
I guess I will have to wait until I go home and just get the real thing from my kitty.
You can find a similar purring sound as one of the "Serenity" sounds available on this site:
The other sounds are quite nice to have in the background, and they serve different purposes. They comment that the restaurant sound is great for putting kids to sleep!
Aww, no sound at work...it'd probably put me to sleep anyways. Hope the site's still up when I get home.
At least over Thanksgiving week I got to take care of my friend's cats...one of them is very loving and purrs like crazy! You can hear it across the apartment! I love kitty purrs...
Yay :) I am happy for a ytmnd to be featured on Cute Overload.
Awww very cool.
Awww, I really needed this. My local purring machine is currently unavailable as I took her to the animal hospital on Saturday, after she had a seizure. She's has multiple convulsions since, and the vets on staff have no idea what's wrong with her other than it's probably something neurological. She isn't responding to the painkillers or the anti-seizure medication. I'm very scared and worried sick; she's only three years old! She's too young for me to have to say goodbye to!
Damnit, I'm making myself cry, and I'm in a public place. I'm going to go curl up in my dorm room and listen to the purring kitty.
Michele, I hear you and your dad, it happens to me whenever I'm away from home. Even in Italy.
Of course, I couldn't get any cats to sleep in my hotel beds, but there were plenty of Gattini around to cheer me up.
Frappygoddess, I belong to an internet cat group, and wheneer anyone has troubles, we send them purrs. Purrs to you and your kitty.
A purromatic! Fabulous.
SO bookmarked. That actually made my eyes go out of focus, so mellow was I in the presence of the virtual purring cat. Thank you for sharing it!
Frappygoddess, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty -- I hope she recovers. As Theresa said -- purrs to y'all.
Wow, that really works - really! I feel so much better for a Monday afternoon.
Frappygoddess, more purrs to you. I hope for the best for your kitty.
Hi, I love this site! And I'm also starting up a blog with al kinds of cute animals, please have a look people, tnx! xxx
I have FOUR cats and I only get about 10 minutes of purring per week!
I loaded this page and my non-purring cat was looking for the traiter :)
I love the kitty. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Sorry I just dozed off like that.
frappygodess, purrs and prayers for a swift recovery of your purr machine
Do I hear some lickingks noises as well as teh purrrrr?
my cat totally freaked out!
also good for those of us with kitteh allergies. Much more purring than I would be able to enjoy IRL...
Now I just need to take a 10lb bean bag, place it right against my head, turn this on and I can go to sleep as usual.
This is purrfect as I had to leave my babies with my parents while I train for a new job. 10 whole weeks without them is soooo long!!!!
sound like a alien invasion
why would this website be blocked from my work's filter? The category was "tasteless". What am I missing?
Frappygoddess, I'm sending big purrrrrrrs, a warm hug and a shoulder to lean on! I'm glad you shared your worries... we understand and support you.