What are the Germans smoking now?
Oh, this is just asking for trubs. Crazy peeps over at Spiegel shoes in Germany are pushin' it to the LIMIT!
Available here...
Tina K., Whatever you do, don't wear these to Bodega Bay
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Oh, this is just asking for trubs. Crazy peeps over at Spiegel shoes in Germany are pushin' it to the LIMIT!
Available here...
Tina K., Whatever you do, don't wear these to Bodega Bay
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« Sing it with me now... | Home | Nearly swallowed by dee cowshe »
That is just plain weird. But oh so funny!
Cuuuuute! :c)
I need a pair!
Diese Frau hat einen Vogel!
Seed shoes...
These shoes were made for feeding
and that's just what they"ll Do.
One of these days these shoes are gonna
dump seed all over you..
: )
chick with hairy german legs is cute?
oh the shoes. rite. wierd!
Ja, und das Frau hat sehr weird Schuen, auch!
OH MY GOODNESS...great laugh for a Monday morning..too funny!
i would LOVE to see someone walk on the beach in bodega bay with these on, it would be like you had power over all the birds in the world...then they would poop on you
In Toronto with our pigeon population, not to mention the evil squirrels that mug you at lunch... you'd be shoeless within the hour!! But worth it for the cute little chickadees and sparrows... hmmm, maybe if I can find non evil squirrel he could have a snack too...
LMAO... "Whatever you do, don't wear these to Bodega Bay."
I live 5 minutes from there and that's not too far from the truth... (/flees from seagulls)
wacky shoes ...
love The Birds reference!
WOW!! Bird seed shoes! Fool the birds, get pooped on!
ok i give
please to spalin-
"Bodega bay"
and what's with the birds there.
(I can't really appreciate the shoes, kinda dumb. but whatever)
The movie, The Birds, by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Tippi Hedren, set in Bodega Bay, CA !
Now the song is stuck in my head... MAKE IT STOP....
Dare I saw someone is footing the bill for lunch? (runs away)
i never realized how RIDICULOUS that movie was until i saw it again recently on AMC. couldnt
make it through the whole thing.
That is just so *WRONG*...
But funny.
Ah, The Birds is not ridiculous, great Hitchcock film!
These shoes are ridiculous though. I would never make it out of my frontyard with all the skwrrlees and chippymunks abount.
Feeding the birds with your shoes is okay. But you're just asking fer trouble when the evil squirrels who want to rule the world coming running at your shoes!
I just read that-
'smacks you on head with rolled up newspaper'.
I tinks I seed a funny picture. Can't wait for the crows and jays to arrive.
(also picturing german frauline walking down cobblestone with skwerls attached to feets)
OK, what is more disturbing is the fact that if you click the link - it's a man, sitting on a stool wearing the shoes, not a hairy legged chick anyway.
Is that a woman with very hairy legs or a man with dainty socks and shoes?
I can only imagine what it would be like if it's designed as a hat! :P
Hate to say it but that's for the birds.
how 'bout a (dare I say it?) cod-piece
Five minutes after this picture was taken, three skwerls had taken this dude's feet off.
German skwerls are kewt (and not nearly as proliferous as they are in the US/Canada/UK). They have kewt little tufts on their ears.
I can see the slogan now:
"For when your feathered friends are feeling a bit peckish."
oh my that just looks soooo messy....and they don't seem to come with refills...hehe.
are these shoos made of birdphood???
[...LET'S GET 'EM! - Kelly]
"What happened?"
"She was hit by a gull."
Berthslave Snerk
That seems really ill-advised in a place with mockingbirds.
puts a whole new spin on it
with it being a guy and all-
i just think that is so very,
hmmm, how to put it...
Not something my husband would wear EVER.
"Ja, ja. Ze fut tastes gut!"
These shoes give tasteless a whole new meaning.
Just BTW - not all German Fräuleins have hairy legs. In fact, most of us prefer to shave. But if you wear something like that or Birkenstocks, hairy legs might accessorize better. Ugh.
Um, hello peoples, did you look at the ridiculous picture of the guy looking at his bird-foodie feet? OMG!!! LOL
I can't believe none of you'se can reads!
I said it was a guy for goldarn sakes.
Oops, Carrie, you're right. Still, whaaaattt the heck!
He's all wearing girlie socks and highwater pantalones!
ROFL @ Bodega Bay
dem shoes is gee.
Those shoes may not last for long
Uh, that is Spiegel Online (a German magazine's website) and not Spiegel Shoes (part of the American catalog company). The shoes seem to be designed by some guy named Arnold van Bezooyen for his Material Stories industrial design...thing. His name is right there next
so can you get the shoes reseeded once they have been snacked on??!
Definitely interesting shoes but I'd hate to be that guy's pants, legs or socks. Cute as birds are (and I've got a pet bird) they poo all over the place.
gay gay gay
why are his/her legs so hairy?
the movie "the birds" is in bodega, ca
bodega bay is just over-run with birds who will stop at nothing to get food, just try to have a snack on the beach...
Has anyone else read /Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close/ by Jonathan Safran Foer?
"What about a birdseed shirt?"