GREAT IDEAS for Halloween kitteh costumes
Kittehs LOOOOOOOOVE costumes. Why not make one for your kitteh today? [head tilt]
Theres: "Kandy Korn Kozie" (with ear holes)
The spicy "Tropicana Girl"
And when in doubt, there's always the go-to costume, the Rice Krispy treat (as modeled by the fabulous Winston)
Teresa H., Joe R., and Amanda C., very inspiring and helpful, thank you.
ha ha!! Poor Winston!
Costume Kittehs say:
Revenge will be mine ... )OOoh, yes... it will be mine...
ohmi...that middle kitty is peeved. It is shooting tiny little daggers of death with its eysies.
Where does one get the candy corn hat pattern? I need it...
Soooo not a happy kitty....revenge will be sweet... ;)
Every single expression in those photos says, "For this you will DIE."
indignant kitteh faces made me laugh ^^
*nibbles the candy corn cozie*
Kittehs hate kostumes. Although with Winston, it's hard to tell, he might be enjoying himself.
beware the 'pointy-haired guy'... someone's gonna die soon.
Bwahahahahahahahaha! Haahahahaha! I haven't laughed like that at pet costumes in a long time. The looks of scathing disdain did me in!
oh, I agree. those cats look ab-sa-toot-ly THRILLED to be wearing those costumes....sleep with one eye open :)
Hahaha, Winston. I love that he's a rice krispie's treat.
Jess who needs the candy corn hat--I'm a knitter, not a crocheter, but it looks like it's a crocheted cone in the appropriate colors (perhaps stuffed with polyfill) and has single or double chains simply attached to the sides of the cone and tied under the very tired and disappointed kitty's chin...
WINSTON!! LOL I love his YouTube meowing video. Hahaha, awww!!
I love the look on these cats' faces. LMAO. "I...WILL...get you for this..."
LOL yeah, these kitties do not look too happy!
that is the angriest rice krispy treat i have ever seen.
i hope these photos will be submitted to!
The first cat is like, "Really? You really have nothing better to do than make this to torture me?" The other two are just upset. :D Awwww.
i have never seen such unamused cats before. they are very, very disapproving.
Somebody better sleep with one eye open. :P
I dunno. Kandy Korn cat just looks resigned. And for all anyone knows, Winston could be laughing his kitteh azz off.
I'd worry if I was Mr. Pineapple Helmet's mommy, though.
Bwahahaha! I think a human-sized candy corn hat would be enormously cute, too. Think I shall attempt to crochet one. I'm sure I've got the yarn remnants somewhere.
the initials of these kittehs is surely I.B.,
as in, Instant Bitterman
Where's Carlos Muffin? now HE'D look good as a Rice Krispy treat. "For thees you weel DIE, my freend"
I love a good Winston posting.
Hil- aireee - us!
Pissed off cats have the BEST expressions. There's really no doubt there.. Is the cat mad? YES.
So, uh, all these uh, kittehs are, like, for nibbling? Cuz they're all dressed as foodzes...
*tentative Winston-ear nom*
... Okay then.
OMG these kitties all look like the very definition of pissed off pusses.
Love Winston - he looks like he'll seek revenge to me. Now I have to see Winston's video again.
I <3 Winston.
how is Winston's head so impossibly round? how?
Korn Kitteh: Ye, ye...just take the freakin picture already!
Pineapple Kitteh: You're SO dead...I'll torture you...Slooowly....
Winston:I wanted to have rice krispy, not to be a rice krispy....
Most pissed off cats ever. And darn freakin' adorable to suit!
Kaya has it right. The only one that may murder the owner in his/her sleep is Pineapple Cat. The others aren't so bloodthirsty...
The pineapple top even works on people, as my brother and his friend Jeff show in these pictures.
Kandy Korn Cat has this look on its face like this has happened before ...
we MUST HAVE a knitting category!! :D (well, yarn craft in general, but you know..)
Kitty is NOT amused!
How did they manage to bake the cake around the cat?
All these cats have the same vengeful look on their face, lol
(From the culprit of the Kandy Korn Hat...) Maggie's right. It's just pretty much a cone ch/sc combo (the only two things I know how to crochet.) My advice, wing it! I did.
And Kara is right, Samson (aka Kandy Korn Cat) has seen this all before. One might say he's "old hat" (pardon the pun.) He's pretty excited about making his debut on his favoritest blog ever, CuteOverload!
I just got an email from these 3 kittehs. They not-so-respectfully request to be put in the disapproving rabbit CATegory because they obviously disapporve of being dressed up.
ROTFLOL, they loooove their costumes!
Hey Anne, watching the Tudors nowadays? :)
Thanks for the info - my cats will hate me for it. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Those cats are waiting until their owners go to sleep and revenge will be theirs...
See? Cats aren't evildoers ... if they were, none of their owners would still be smiling.
Where and when are the Tudors these days, Helene? I've been looking for them.
Hey wait, that's three isn't it? Hooray, time for a Winston category!
How many growly yowly PO'd words did Winston have to say about that??
Agreed on his perfectly round head. What a kitteh.
Kitty One is daring you to say anything about it.
Winston *wanted* a special suit of armor, and is smug about his success in manipulating his servants into providing one for him.
Kitty Two is hoping the Choosing Hat will send him to some alternate universe where he decides who lives and who dies.
Failing that, he may take matters into his own paws.
The cat is not amused.
The Kitteh in pic 1 clearly LOVES his person beyond reason or how could he wear that expression. It is clear there's a certain devotion here.