Introducing a new facial feature; the peripheral roll
OK, this might be a pug-only feature, I don't know, but check it; it's the FULL, CIRCULAR LOOPED roll that I just wanna put ketchup on and take the TINIEST OF SOFT KRONSCHES!
Goran G., you found the best chub evar on Tricia M.'s Urban!
those eyes are adorable!
mmmmmmm delish!! What a cute face!
*dives in for some wrinkly snorgling*
Pug pup looks worried - don't worry pug pup! Your cuteness overwhelms, but we're tough, we can handle it!
As someone who is engaged in an eternal inner debate over whether to go cat or go dog on my next pet, this picture is being seriously filed away for later mental reference.
Believe this is actually an Ewok, likely eyeing Princess Leia... ;)
Wow! Maybe this little guy's picture should replace that cute dachshund pup that you use with the definition of "chub"? Gotta admit, he takes loose skin and baby fat to new highs!
That picture made my day. Awfully cute, I wanna hug the poor little thing.
i'm against this kind of breeding, i bet the poor dog has breathing problems. feel like cuddling the poor thingy.
He kinda looks like he's got a ginormous foreskin.
um, thanks, JIM!!!!!!!!
Oh, it's painful. So cute, it hurts.
*soft kronsche*
Cute pug. I wants him.
somebody needs to throw this lil guy in the dryer...his sweater is too big!
he's all modeling the 2008 line of eskimo hoodies by Baby Phat ^^
Our pug, Gus has that. We call it his Elizabethan ruffle, for obvious reasons. :)
''turtle dog'' is retreating into himself ... is he imploding ?
Very cute!
i want to hug this pug its extra skins means extra hugs
I'm glad Jim said it first. I do believe this dog is uncircumsized.
Does this have something to do with the end times?
Sir Walter Raleigh pup rocks the ruff. :P
[snorgles pug]
[disappears into the chub roll]
Pugs have been around from since at least 600 BC, so for "this kind of breeding" we don't have much say in
Beautiful roly pug!
Pugnook of the north.
Wooooohooooo, MySeconPublish™ ! he just a caterpillar in disguise?
He looks like he's thinking if I just retreat a little further they won't be able to see me. MUST HIDE IN MY OWN SKIN! Lol. Love it.
Aww, don't worry puppeh, you only have to go to the fat farm for a month, I'll save some oreos for ya!
Walleyes! and perfect fat roll! Oh dear lawdy.
Getting ready for the cold winter months.
My shar pei mix gets a peripheral roll like that sometimes - not as massive, but I bet a full shar pei would. fab!
AAAAhhhhh. The MOST delectable roll EVAR!!!!
What a Doll!!!
he looks so soft and smoosh-able and delicious.
i need one.
I am really considering a pug as my next pup!!He is a dollbaby!!!
Its an ewok!!
Too much!! That is the cutest pug!
omg it looks like the brainbug from Starship Troopers.