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» Adopt a Cuddlefish today? from Jacek Lives
From Cute Overload, via Akela:
Somebody needs a Cuddle!
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Ahn! He's feelin' bleen. :(
So sad.
do not be sad mr. cuttlefish...i will cuttle you all day long...
oh will someone please give him a hug !
I'm so happy to see I cephalopod (sp?) on here. i thought I was the only one who thought they were cute.
Cute...and possibly tasty...
I'm pretty much in love with cephaolpods. I want to take this wittle guy home and love him forevers!
Also, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's actually a Caribbean Reef Squid. Anybody know?
Oh, so CUTE....
Why so sad....? :-(
He needs a cuddle!
mebbe he's just kinda tired?
b/c before i start huggin, how big is this fella/lady, exactly? i don't wanna squeesh him and don't want him to squeesh me!
*looks at cuttlefishy*
*whips out a crusty french loaf and some dijon*
*sees cuttlefishy's sad widdle eyelids*
*puts crusty loaf and moostard away*
So adorable!!! *cuddles*
Cuttlefish are usually about as long as your hand, they're like mini-squids crossed with chameleons with uber color-chaing powers :D
OMG! Doesn't anyone else think he/she looks like Snuffleupagus???? Too Cute!!!
Yes, Renee in Texas. Yes.
I'm not in the habit of finding sea creatures cute, but this one sure is...
Please don't cry, Cuttlie McCuttlesons!!! I'll cuddle you!!!
You're right, Renee, he does sort of remind me of Snuffleupagus!
I think this bebeh is upset by the person, talking this picture. Cute cuddle can I cuddle him/or her
Awwww, we thinks he needs a hugs too!!! we invites him to come to our bloggie and we will snuggle him lots, after a little likkin and maybe a bit of bitey time...hehehe
No, that's definitely a cuttlefish.
They actually have a very wide range as far as size goes. Some are smaller than your hand, some are longer than your arm.
And while I think the picture is adorable, that's not his eyelid. Their pupils are just shaped that way.
Don't be a buzzkill, Karena!
hims jus sad cuz hims gots no one to cuddle wif.
Yayayay! A mollusc on CO! You've made my day, Meg.
hahaha this is awesome! My four year old son, who just melted alongside me watching the howly pup just went "Awww, I want it!"
I have to second Carrie here; cuttlefish have amazing color switching abilities. We're talking animated hypnotic patterns swirling over their skin. Maybe if someone give him a cuddle he'd do little heart-shapes all over...
He'd be like a cuddlier version of Cthulu.
Awwww.... Reminds me of my little stuffed friend, Inky.
OMG, its EEYORE, swimming!
Actually, several types of cephalopods can change their coloring, for camouflage purposes or for mating. Ah, widdle cuttlyfishie!
Cuttlefish are my absolute favorite invertebrates. They are so much fun to watch, hanging out with each other in a large tank, occasionally having cuttlefish arguments after which the loser goes off and sulks in a corner...
If it has that little ballet tutu all around the body, it's a cuttlefish; squid don't have tutus.
nooobody knows the trouble i've seen....
I'm so happy to see I cephalopod (sp?) on here. i thought I was the only one who thought they were cute.
OMG! Squids and 'cephies in general are my favorite animals, actually! It's awesome to see their cuteness appreciated by others! =D
I love little cuttles, they're so sweet and wierd, even if they are ferocious predators.
Their colour changing ability is truly amazing, check out this video, particularly about 2:20 in when it starts pulsing its colours. They really are like aliens on Earth and this little one clearly needs a cuddle.
Don't bite my with your beak though!
Oops, forgot the link to the video.
Crazy cuttlefish:
Add me and hubby to the cuddle-fish club. We love 'em. And jellies too. Some of fave aquarium denizens!
(Singin da blues...)
Swim looooooooowwww
Sweet cuddlefish
Comin 'fo to carry you home
Swim looooooooowwww
Sweet cuddlefish
Comin 'fo to carry you home....
How do you cuddle with a cuttlefish?
I imagine holding hands is a little complicated.
I've always thought cuttlefish were the cutest cephlapods around... :'( Poor lonely baby...
looks a little loney down on the reef.. maybe another will come along to keep him company
Awwwww. He is a sad little squiddly thing indeed.
poor cuttlefish. He needs a hug.
Awww, I love cuttlefish. They always look a little sad... well, except when they turn red and look mad. They have good angry eyes. :)
hee! I've always loved cuttlefish
aw, poor cutie. yay for cephs on cuteoverload though!
He might actually truly want a cuddle. I remember seeing a documentary where a cuttlefish in a tank was playing with and sucking on the zookeeper's hand. They love attention, it was super cute to watch. Ever since then I've had a soft spot for the squishy little guys.
Wow I've never wanted to cuddle a booger more in my life. That is what that thing is right? jk
aw! so cuttley!
(ps: what happened to the cuteoverload.com address? :/ i dunno if its just me, but that domain went to an ad, and it took me a google search to find the blog this time.)
Here's a video from Nova showing the cuttlefish-ees camouflage ability. Pretty cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x-8v1mxpR0
And some more! It's from PBS... it HAS to be good! ;-)
Sorry... this is the last link! There are several really cool videos here. Call the kids to come & watch too!
i love cuttlefish!!!!!!1 i freakin love them! theyre so cute all the livelong day! and they always look sad. cuddlefish. *hugs* i luv u guys!!!!
plus thay are very emotional guys. if any mollusk has heart, its these guys. beware though, they may rule the world one day, dont be deceived by those pouty eyes....