The More You Know: Sitting on Others
When you sit on a kitteh, however absentmindedly, make sure he can still breathe.
Because, kittehs need air too. [head tilt]
The More You Know. [nodding action with music in the background]
Sure, this photo looks like it was taken in Bangkok 17 years ago, Justin D., but the message is STILL just as valuable today.
Michelle B., great work on the TMYK logo.
In my house, we'd call him a "Bumpus Hound".
Poor kitteh. If that dog is like most older siblings *glares at sister* he's gearing up to let one rip. Bad puppy!
*rotfl* omg...that brings back so many memories of me and my sisters. And there's nothing 'absent minded' about that sit.
I don't think the cats beaten yet. 'With one bound he was free'.
I think that kitten had it coming...
This has been two days in a row that I've been laughing out loud. Meg, you're on a roll...not that I usually don't laugh...but this is laughing out loud.
BITE him in the butt!
it's almost Cute or Sad.
Fah! Just what I needed after a dull afternoon's data entry. Funniest picture I've seen in ages.
BWA HA HA HA!!! Bumpus Hound! HA HA HA!!!
Puppy is all like, "what the matter, why you laughin'?"
Butt-to-mouth recuscitation....
HOLY CRA*! Your logo is too funny! Please make "The More You Know" a category, PLEEEEEASE! (whinge whinge)
Aww... poor kitty. But as they say, ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and that kitty obviously was unaware of section 502(b) in the snorgling code:
"Mandatory daily puppy 'tocks snorgling'.
MaggieBelle -- OMG, the first thing *I* thought of when I saw this was Flick squealing while having his arm twisted by the evil Scott Farkus.
"Uncle! UN-CLLLLLLLE!!!!!"
"Randy lay there like a slug. It was his only defense."
Boy, is HE gonna get a nasty surprise when his cushion starts fighting back...
How rude Mr. Dog.
Um... it's not funny to me unless I know the kitten ended up ok. The photo does make it look like the poor thing can't breathe and I'm a bit surprised it's considered cute.
Can anyone tell me if the kitten came out of this ok?
This is prime catsplat if I ever did see it ^^
That dog is like 'cat? What cat? I don't see one.'
And the poor cat is like 'Halp! He had chili for lunch!'
paisleydust -- you obviously don't have a cat. Please refer to the Garfield/Odie relationship. You will see that the kitty in this pic has his nose out in the open and his hind feet splayed in that "I'm about to do my kick boxing thing" attitude. You will also note that this is clearly a puppy in the pic. The next pic in this sequence undoubtedly showed the puppy yelping and jumping 10 feet in the air . . . so, if you are going to feel sorry for anyone, it should be the puppy, I think.
suffice it to say "the blood drawing is about to begin"
so pity the dumb-puppy if you must feel for one of them. :)
Alexis, you *tewtelly* win for the Christmas Story reference!!
Anyone see Lion King?
"Excuse me, Madame. GET UP!"
(luff the christmas story one - much better than mine!)
That pup looks like a mob enforcer! He'll sit on ya until you pay your bookie.
And really paisleydust - do you think the human taking the photo wouldn't have shooed the dog away if the cat were suffocating? Or that the cat wouldn't fight back? Or that there is some long litany of puppy butt smothering fatalities out there?
OOF! GET YER FAT BUTT OFFA ME!!! *razor sharp claws of doom spring into place, ready for action*
Puppeh: "Ahh! I need to rest. Ooh, it just feels so nice and soft here."
Kitteh: "Ooph! Will you please get your arse off me! I can't breathe! Getting to be that a cat can't walk down the street anymore without getting molested by some dumb dog! You'll be sorry! Okay - I'm getting the claws ready right now!"
Puppy is about to discover that 5 out of Kitty's six ends sport sharp pointies...
"...Or that there is some long litany of puppy butt smothering fatalities out there?"
Muffy, this made me snort.
Or that there is some long litany of puppy butt smothering fatalities out there?
Omg.. I agree hey-h. CO has had me laughing harder the last few days than normal. The Alpacas and now this. I warned you, I'm going to move in. I've got my bags packed.
My money is on the cat.
i'm looking and looking and studying the photo. and cant fo the life of me figure out what that cat part is that is sticking up at the back part of the cat.
it it a hind leg? tail? front leg ? maybe i'm trying too hard. anyone???
I loves it! That kitty is all, "What the hell? I sit down for a nice bath and get this?" It's the back leg action that does me in.
Vair funny indeed. That's dog's all "take the picture, quick!"
Ah scuthe me, there theemth to be thumthing under my butt. Oh, ith a kitteh.
Kitty Halp HAlp Halp Get off me you big lug. you in big trouble buster.
Puppy. doh to doh! Now where is that little orange kitten he was here just a second ago.. I wonder where he went.
TwoDragon -- Nice Calvin & Hobbes reference. It's my single favorite line out of the entire 10-year lifetime of the strip.
*sniff sniff*
What's that I smell...? Is it commentroversy?
Geez people, the cat is FINE! Get over it.
Also the line about Randy lay there like a slug. Brilliant! Wish I'd thought of it!
And to further address the concern about kitteh smothering: puppies don't stay still for long (as long as it takes to pee on the carpet), then they're OFF! So, my bet is that the photo captured a rare moment of sitting.
I gots Chocolate Roger but Teho says I should not be throwing it as it is for eating. Do you by chance have lemon or butterscotch???
Eh, this isn't a puddin-worthy commentroversy. One post from a person who was uninformed about the physical defenses of felines, then a lot of people who were amused at the idea of a po' helpless kitteh. I say it doesn't count.
Hey, am I starting a meta-commentroversy? Someone disagree with me! Cmon, I dare ya!
smooshed kitteh: "don't u dare fart now"
This is the bestest picture ever!!!
hey-H we were just bored. twiddles hair in fingers eyes glaze over as they look at computey..
Phoooosh.. I should be working got lots to do but am just feeling like I want to go take a nap... kinda like the little orange kitten
Death by puppy butt! LMAO there are worse ways to go...
and all those who said Meg's been on a roll, I tewtally agree!
also, Rikkikitten really needs to see this PSA.
I was wondering how long it would be before this picture made it to CO. I've been getting this in my email for about 2 weeks.
Usually in the context of how to reduce stress.
What'd that puppeh have for lunch?