Who eeeees this photographer?
Guyths, help me out here—who IS this photographer? "SR" is the only indication that I have. He/She has done a terrific job! I mean look at these kittehs—it's like a dream.
Rule of Cuteness regarding tongues...? I think we need one...
Excellent pointer-outering, Shari E.!
// UPDATE -- photographer is Sabine Rath, of TigersDeluxe! //
OMG so cute. (bleen)
AHHH sooo cute! I love kitties!
OMG! Those are adorable. One-bite adorable!
OMG!! These cats are so angelic. It really is like a dream. I wish my dogs would stay still for pictures.
Also, I should say that this picture looks like it was taken in a child-potrait studio. Like, Sears potraits for Kittehs (only better)
OMG!! These cats are so angelic. It really is like a dream. I wish my dogs would stay still for pictures.
OH MAN. Pink noses and teensy little pink paw pads make my heart melt.
GORGEOUS color on those sweet little kittehs! What is that, oatmeal fur??!?
Amber eyes on one, blue eyes on the other, little pink nosies, little pink paw pads, little pointy tail, wee little tummy...
Oh, great. I'm sure my boss will appreciate having to replace my keyboard and monitor, lol...
these pics are all taken in studio. lightning freezes the movement, a little treatment in photoshop and voilà = these pics ;-)
I love the side glance the kitteh's giving. Looks almost human!
*pinches self*
Ouch, nope the kitters are still there,
makes me
Okay, Now that's just not fair! How am I supposed to function after seeing the Kkkkkkkiiiiiiittttttyyyyy and the widdle tongue. Off the charts! I'm ded!
Adorabuls!! I especially love the Jelly Belly paw pads=)
Cute very cute and definately studio photos. But still. OMG Gorgeous!
oh my lord, i am hyperventilating!
the leetle crossed paws, the leetle kiss, the leetle tongue, and pink jelly beans...
i can not go on...
must have eet ...
seriously, can i have one? please? pretty please?
The top two kitties...gorgeous, the baby at the bottom...breathtaking!
Rule of Cuteness regarding tongues? ABSOLUTELY!
definitely, rule of cuteness: visible tongue= cute
Were it possible to die from a cuteness overload, that second picture of the teeny tiny kitten would have killed me in half a second.
what kind of kitties are these?? they are sooo cute and i want one!!
The bottom pic is so cute it caused me physical pain. God help me. God help us all.
Cloud kittens
This is so way over-the-top cute it's practically cute porn (if there is such a thing).
OHMYGAWD. gorgeous! these kittehs are beyond snorglable. what beautifully done photos.
(dont know who SR is. sorry.)
i'm turning to mush.
these kittahs look like little angels, and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE BLUE EYES ON THE BEBEH AT THE BOTTOM!!11!!!
do want. must snorgle.
See the cat named "Francis" at the Tigers Deluxe website:
The person/people behind Tigers Deluxe might be the website/photographer(s) you're looking for. :)
OMG...hyperventalating! Cutest baby every. I just want to kiss the pink nose! ahhhhhhhh
*recovers from faint*
mebbe this will be the color of Bou's not quite white kittens
*looks at crossed paws & snorgle action*
*faints again*
oh. LAW.
oh no you dint.
please notice the separate yet equal tosicles in the top picture, and the bottom baby's smooshed ear flap under him, and hims winking cause hims practiced this move in the mirro.
Utterly precious! The young lady/gentleman just looks so proper. The cream-colored coat, like the foam of a cappuccino. And the winky-eye on the bebeh....NUVINS! MUST GIVE NUVINS!!! NUVINS! NUVINS!
Sorry, I tried, but could not contain the need to give nose luvins.
That's all.
Oh I want one! Gimme gimme!
made the mistake of going to LaliaTk's suggested site.
Now more ded then eveah.
Wow! Beautiful photos of beeyootiful kitties! And you have to visit that tigers deluxe website. More great pictures. I esp. like the one of a little guy with his tocks way up in the air. I'd post a link here, but I don't know how. :-( If you click on kittens, I think it's the 13th picture down on the left.....
Tongue rule...my opinion. If you are going to make a tongue rule, I would say it simply requires the tongue to be visible. For example, all the feline based photos are automatically cuter with some portion of tongue outside of the mouth. Extra points for tongue smallness?
The kitten picture is Francis, from Tigers Deluxe - the exact same picture is in the gallery. (Apparently he had the usual blue eyes when he was a baby, which turned that amazing copper/amber color as he grew up.) The other picture here looks like him, too, although I don't know who the other cream-colored cat might be. (Does anyone read German well enough to tell me what breed of cat that is?)
Anyway, they're astonishingly beautiful!
My kittehs always cross their front paws when they wish to look lady-like.
Can "smooshed ear flaps" be added to the Cuteness Rules? And extra points if the corresponding eye is closed due to smoosh?
I want to put the paw pads on my nose. Not all at once, but pad by pad. Then, I die happy.
Holy freakin' freak! I totally must have one of those NOW! Let the snorgling commence...
Looks like Sabine Rath is the photagrafur. She is in der "Kontakt" link of Tigers Deluxe.
"i shall leek...me!"
Count me as an Aye for the Tongue Rule of Cuteness (altho not the wierd dogs with extra long tongues - that's just uh, I hate to say gross. But it is.) Regular size tongues only.
The kittehs are bootiful.
acelightning, it says they are British shorthairs. That would explain the bodacious whisker pads.
Cutest. Cute Overload. Evar.
Here she is!
(With the link this time!)
Pic 1: "C'mon dear, they're trying to take our picture... we can snuggle later, ok?"
Pic. 2: "Hey... I haz a flavor!"