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Now what?
so young and so grumpy
Ohhhhh toitle is egg-shaped. So cute.
What kind is he? So cute! love the little beak-mouth.
Do you see that wee turtleneck? Holy foreskin! Someone get a Mohel!
I love turtles! Yay!
aww the little dude's so cute!
and he has the most prettiest color evarrrr :)
luv yas!
the new layoutey thing is pretty pretty
There is no mammal in the world that is cute in the process of being born
But that is one cute newborn toitle
He looks to me like he is yellin Where's the beach? (sigh) What a rip Off! And then muttering, I never could get the hang of Thursdays...
Adorbs! I love turtle cuteness. Reptiles rule!
Check it out, a real turtleneck!
Eeee! Not only do I get adorable baby toitles, but I get someone quoting Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, too!
Thanks for the extra bit of squee, cutebabyfix!
(And *this* is what finally gets my first comment on CO. *shakes head*)
OMG, how adorables. Now I understand "I want to put him in my mouf."
Can I have him? I will keeps him in my pocket and wrap him in velveteen and feed him spinach and tomatoes and chocolate covered ladybugs and buff his tiny shell every night before bedtime and read him stories of the sea.
This is one cute turtlet(or turtlette).
Oh my god, I love him. He's so adorable!
It's like:
#2) Ooo... I'm watching you!
#3) Hrmph. *vaguely content*
This of course begs the question: Can you snorgle a turtle?
I squeeeed myself. :)
That is stunningly beautiful, how fortunate you were to have been there.
Is he hatching on a napkin?
Customer: Mmm, a hard-boiled egg... wait a sec, it's hatching!
Turtle: I am not a snack! *grump*
Awwwwww so cute! Perfect little newborn! I bet he's about the size of a nickle.
This is too much! A beebee toitle in an egg, a beebee toitle shaped like an egg!
Tiny translucent claws! Squee!
I loves it! In that first photo he's all:
"Here's Johnny!"
Then he's all "wait, where am I?"
With a finale of, "well, at least Sanjaya was voted off, I can live in this world"
turtle resignation, awesomest to see.
"A've goot ta seev tha wee tehrtuls!!! GAHHHH!!!! Seev meh frum tha wee tehrtuls!!!"
Oh, and ebee?
"....and buff his tiny shell every night before bedtime and read him stories of the sea."
classic, just classic.
Toitle (looks up): NOT THE MAMA!!
OMG, I'm sorry. Absolutely too prosh for words!
That was too adoraturkable. I wuvs him. And thanks, Rev. Waldo, I 'joyed the ref to Dinosaurs! (Was that the name of the show? I loved that baby Dinosaur! NOT the Mama!)
Behbeh turties are under-represented. And so are their little foreskin like necks.
*squeal* How adorable!!
Toitoils are my absolute FAVORITE!
Oh, I want one!!
Heheh...I used to watch Dinosours when I was a little kid...used to love that...NOT the mama *bam!* ^_^
And yes, "Dinosaurs" was the name of the show.... I watched an episode just this morning online! lol
CBF -- he seems to know where his towel is, though. He was born on it!
He looks more like a toirtoise than a turkle?
1. RAAWWRRR I am ferocious
2. Okay, well, you are huge-large
3. I suppose I can allow to hold me - but NO SNORGLING! Or else I will retreat into my shell and you will never see me again. Until I am hungry, So there.
So cute! And such precious pink(?) translucent toenails! Wheeee! (^_^)
Definitely a tortoise, not a turtle. But toitoil is so much cuter to say!
The 'Mark Walhberg' comment has been deleted!
[flaps cape and flies away]
PS -- it was that same old "celebrity" troll again, just FYI. Trying to be sneaky, maybe.
OMG!! That is THE most cutest thing i have seen! I have most def been Overloaded! Oh and i dont see why you couldnt snorgle a toitle! I tried but only met my computer screen!
Tortoise Hatchlings are the CUTEST!
This one looks like a Testudo Hermanni... anyone can confirm?
*SQUEAK* I want to cuddle it... I want to cuddle it.... I want, I want, I want........
Just-borned baby cute turtleage, too. Muy schweet.
I never thought I would want to cuddle a turle (tortoise?) but omg, he is so cute and looks so snuggable as he's breaking out of his shell....just precious....
I showed this to my friend, and he said, "I never thought the day would come when I said something was 'freaking cute', and yet here I stand."
Baby turtles make grown men squee!
Such disapproval! I bet he could teach the bunnies a thing or two.
Tortoise. He has feet, not flippers, and is in a hard egg, not a soft one. Its like the difference between a cow and a whale people. One is land, one is sea..... :)
good lordie is that the cutest lil tur-tur or what! eep! brand new and shiny. too cute.
Oh holy Moses...my hand actually flew to my mouth when I saw this. Teeny, tiny tortie. I love tortoises in all their forms and ages, but wow, all shiny and new is something special.