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ummmm... I feel like a peeping tom...
I'm with CeeJoe on this - despite the overwheening CQ (cuteness quotient) of these piks, I definitely feel a little dirty for looking at them...
Let's seee...I'm seeing in excess of 200 comments on this one.
Yeah, definiely more intense than the average cat-in-rack photo ... but if you focus on the kitty (and imagine what that wet nose must feel like buried in your skin!) it's not so bad.
Is it just me or does he look kinda lion-ish in that second pic?
Very cute, very nice, very NSFW. I'm not a prude, but NSFW, guys.
Hmmm. I swear to God I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, but I'm a girl, and a "C" cup, myself. Here is the deal: Cats-n-racks needs to be divided into two categories: 1) cats who happen to be by a rack completely by accident (always cute), and then 2) cats who are intentionally smooshed into a rack that the owner has fully planned; having worn the lowest and most revealing attire that unintentionally makes the "rack--not the cat--the focus of the pic. Although the kitten is cute, these pics are forced....of the #2 variety, I believe. Not judging, just trying to enjoy "cute", not overwhelming boobs forced into a kitten's little face. I love C.O., I love Meg....just trying to present a vantage point that may help in assisting what's "cutest", in the inevitable picture screening process. Love and goodwill to all!
I happen to love the pattern of that tank top.. and the girl in said pic needed a little less on to achieve a better tan..
Little marmelade kitty is adorable..*snorg!*
Ditto to what Denise in NE said. She still has a rack even if her sweatshirt is zipped up. Seems like the focus here is more on the rack than the cat. Poor kitteh.
Umm... too much effort, too much staging...
I agree that it looks a little too staged. Is that even a tank top and not her bra?
I um well erm uhh hmm. Golly.
Guess I'll abstain from this one. (For now.)
Won't be sharing CO with my kids for the next few days... But, whatevs
I bet if I asked The Boys to choose which was cuter, the kitten or the rack, I bet they would be silent for several minutes thinking (The Boys are cat lovers, mind you). In teh kitten's favor, he does look a bit like a young Stokes (part cat, part lap rug), which would swing it towards the cat for one of teh Boys.
Too staged for my liking, not worthy of CO! More cat, less rack, please. =D
Kute citty!
Titties! Ehrm, I mean.. Kitty!
But yeah, thats looks staged.
Too little kittie, to much tittie
aww it looks so comfortable! I want to huggle a cat/ some fluffy animal like that.
And i dont think i'ts bad for kids to see this, the only impact it will have is...they would want to huggle a cute animal to their chest ^_^
IF my hamster was big enough I would totally do that <3
tee hee TH! gotta agree with ya there..
I can see how this might not be the typical photo for CO, but that's not to say that its NTSFW or indecent. After all, this is not as bad as some of the stuff you see on TV during the evening and at least here you have a cute kitten to cover up some of the "lewd" content.
I guess the pureness nature of the site is being questioned, but I personally am not bothered by this photo. As far as staged, yeah maybe it is, but what's wrong with that? Putting a pet in a costume and then taking a picture of it isn't candid. It's not like the pet put the costume on itself.
Anyways, I don't want to start a riot, but I definitely have no objections to this entry.
Gratuitous boob shots! You can almost see freaking nipple!
I'd bet green money on the esteemed Dudes of C.O. saying, "Say wha? There's a cat in those pictures?"
that's fine, kitteh. you can stop blowing now.
i said STOP.
How can boobs not be kid-friendly? Do I need to remind you of how much you depended on them in the early days? What is wrong with our culture?
Although clearly "staged," I do not find it unworthy. (After all Mr. Neckerchief Ferret pic was clearly staged.) And ultimately, it seems the owner of the rack does is indulging in a whole-hearted cuddle with kitteh. Just hope kitteh is getting enough air. ;o)
These staged cats in racks are always a let down for me. I get so excited when my RSS indicates there is a new posting, and then all I see are breasts with a poor cat shoved in the shot. I have no idea how these even rate to get on here. I'm sure you could do a quick-o internet search if you're running low on material.
ok...I don't see this kitten you guys are talking about.. heehee...kidding...he is a cutie patootie...butagreed that there is way too much boobitude.
Great! And I just got done telling a friend that this is a great site to introduce his little girls to. And that kittie looks a little ruffed up by those big girls. Poor baby.
pssst - can someone tell me what "NTSFW" stands for?
finn!! plse email me. Might be livin GF again :-(
LOL, Finn!! "No, no, don't--POP!"
Okay, does anyone else have this feeling, when CO won't load? I feel like I'm a kid again at the amusement park, only I don't remember where Mom said to meet up if we got separated from the rest of the kids. I think, "Oh, dang it. CO won't load...where I am supposed to go? How will I find the other peeps?"
"NSFW" is "not safe for work". Not sure what the T is, unless someone is doing "NoT Safe For Work".
I like the picture. they're both cute. And the kitten too.
RedZ, I had trouble loading it in Mozilla but it seems fine in IE.
NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work. Not sure what the T stands for.
And while we can debate all day long on when Hustler got into kittehs, I think we can agree that cats in racks is cute only when the cat has a sufficient air supply.
I'm with well-spoken Denise in NE, and those who follow her. In my opinion, this is more about the boobs than about the kitten. I'm guessing that softcore stuff like this is, well, already widely available on the internets - I don't really appreciate seeing it here. Love this site, love the Meg-language muchly - but not shots like this.
Um...cute kitty?
I'm going to have to weigh in with the "prudes" here - I would not exploit my kitteh to display me rack - it's a lil sick - I'd never smoosh one of my kittehs into my boobs like that - I mean, would a guy stuff his dachsund down his pants for a "cute shot"??
(Hoooboy! Already regretting that remark - don't need to be giving people ideas here)
So you're saying if kitty's in a pocket, a vase, or a shoe, it's cute. If it's in somebody's budge, it's obscene and staged. What is wrong with all of you? Getta grip, they're just tits!
Too funny jaypo - I see 200+ comments too.
Long-time reader, first-time comment-poster, and here I am sounding like a pervert on this one... but seriously, this isn't that explicit. Your kids won't understand why it's interesting, but it won't damage them. The smooshing in the second pic is a little gratuitious, but the kitty seems to be enjoying the affection in the first image. And this image is feminine and intimate, which is one of the essential reasons it's also a little sexy.
Is it okay to use that word?
Remembers, peeps, CO was just written up in Maxim Magazine. Meg has a new readership segment to retain.
"Readership" used loosely.
I'm with Redzilla on this one. Staged, sure. Whatevs. But still cute. Both the kitty and the surrounding environs. It all looks soft and cuddly and I'm having no problems with it. Maybe the "surrounding environs" are being a little aggresive. (Kitty says "Halp, I can't breeeve!) But otherwise I'm cool with it. And before anyone starts - I'm female. Straight, too.
I think it's funny - that kitteh looks like a little kid being smooshed into some auntie's chest as he arrives at a family dinner.
As per my previous post, once we get a "Pups in Pants" category, I will shut up.
I've seen more skin than this on "What Not to Wear." And badly dressed at that.
Don't know about anyone else but my first thought was,
"Shouldn't she be wearing underwires?"
Doesn't look like it from the flimsy strap but us ole gals know that gravity gets to all of us over time. And from the left one's upper curves, it's borderline "perky/support me now!" time.
I have definately been feeling like Denise. Cats and Racks was cute when it started as a cat slipping into someones shirt, or someone holding a cat next to the rack that just happened to be in the picture. But squishing a poor kittens face into your chest is not all the cute, it's kind of disturbing. I'm not offended by this or anything, just don't think it's right to smother a kitten just for the sake of getting your rack on the internet. there are other ways to acheive that!
My first thought on these has always been "Why do these women dare put animals with claws down their fronts?" Lacerations and bleeding on sensitive bits? Now, that wouldn't be very cute. But then I've always been a practical person...
I agree with Jesse, in that your average squee-ing 7-year-old isn't going to be uncomfortable with the *searches for word* bustyness of these pics.
My 14-year-old daughter, however, had a mixed reaction to it. She laughed at it, since it's so obvious that it's a little silly; but she also sighed over it and was a little unhappy, since she's in a stage where she's comparing herself to others.
She still loves CO though, as do I.
yeah, skanky is never cute. boo for staged cats&racks! in that one pic from a few months ago, u could see her nipple. kits r cute, nips r not :)
I am definitely not offended by this, but it is not my favourite... It's the staging that blows it for me. I am not too fond of the pets in costumes, either :)
But that's just my view, hey? The kitty is still cute.
And EliottM does indeed have a valid point ;)
"To the top of Mount Everbreast, or bust!"
Long time viewer, first time commenting..definetly not cute. Not because of the way too ample rack, but because poor kitty looks very uncomfortable and unhappy. This is more like the cute or sad section(?)...would be my guess anyway.