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« Once again, proving that kissing our 'tocks and mentioning the Big 'C' gets you published | Home | OOCED: Boston-style »
Hey, 1st post. Cool.
That dog could have been drawn by Warner Bros.
Hahaha, he's like a little Buddah!
that dog's paws are aDORIble
Marty Feldman reincarnated as a dog
Stubby legs! Pink belleh! Stubby legs!
i love the paws! although the legs seem to have been stuck on to the body at wierd angles..
Hmmm. He looks so stherious. Like a stherious teddy-pug.
"short legs...short legs..can't move short legs...ehn!"
I bet there is a very short and curled tail with extreme limited mobility on the back of this pup.
The best part about fat, fat, fat little pink puppeh bellehs? Unlike with kittehs, you won't get your face filleted when you go in for a snorgle. Whew.
Must give the belleh zooberts!
Hits monitor with full force.
Face slides down leaving behind a slobber trail.
Looks like a googly puppy! Want to feel the warm tumtum on my mouf.
His little leggies look like turkle legs.
There's something almost turtle-like about him.
that puppy is so not real. I don't believe for one second that we are dealing with an actual pug or that its belleh isn't just a figment of my imagination. nothing in this world can be so irresitable.
Too funny!
I only recently found CO's never-spoken-of-cousin, Ugly Overload.
(No, I don't mean that this pug is ugly. And now that sounded very sarcastic.. But really, me luvvs this ridiculously cute little dog!)
Um, and what about those stubby tater-tot arms? This guy is too much.
No, Scofield, no!
That horrid site *almost* ruined my morning's cute buzz. I had to look at the wee pug a few times before I could get the image of the icky shark out of my head!
He almost looks like a stuffed toy. Too cute! I'm a tummy fan myself.
i'm with you jenn. not only is this pug not real, this is so not cute, it's cruel. And photoshopped.
just kidding. wow. it's been said before, and i'll say it again, Teh Be11eh
OMG the stubbiness! I can't take it! *faint*
*revives* I wanna kiss that bulgin' belleh too :P
*passes out again*
This looks like one of those baby pictures with blackmail potential in later life.
His legs look so short, I'll bet his belly rubs the floor when he walks (or rather, waddles)!!
As I mentioned before, I think I'm a Nuglyham (an nuffingham of the ugly), because Ugly Overload has a bunch of pics of hairless cats. I just can't find them ugly, because I lof their wrinkly, nekkid, warm goodness.
*Pats katerpie on the shoulder*
There, there. If you don't feel better, scroll down Co's front page and take a look at Big-Eyes-Marmie-with-Serious-Eyebrows. This should do it.
Nuglyhams are good. Nuffinghams are not.
So there. :)
Kiki! "Tater tot arms"- ROTFLMFAOWTFBBQ! Too good.
That pup looks like one of those Disney-Babies or Warner-Brothers-Babies versions of their characters.
I want to blow a raspberry on that little belly!
Q: What is better than two handfuls of warm, squirmy, fat bellied, baby pup?
A: Nuthin'
"Somebody set us up the BELLEH!"
Dawwwwe... he looks like a Japanese cartoon show character!
(rendered speechless by the adorable puggage ... then melts into a puddle of love on the floor)
I want to raspberry his l'il belly!
BABY!! *dies*
My hubby is very mad at CO because now I want another one ^.^
Would you just look at this guy?! I cannot believe how cute!
I'm at work and I almost burst out loud laughing. What a sweet bebeh.
I call that a "wayyy-o" eye.
AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!! Bebe PUGLET! Tewtelly stubbilicious tater-tot arms that I NEED to put in mah mouf NOW! Meg - you're killin' me here :-)
I love the puglet's belly. Wanna snorgle it SO BAD.
Pugs' wall eyes are hilarious!
BELLEH BELLEH BELLEH!!!!! *snorgleattack*
I get to see mah vereh own pup this weekend - sooooooo excited! I'm coming Pheebes! *snuggles the schnauzer beard*
i think OCE DAY should be holiday!! How do I e-mail a picture of my pug? I click on the link and it says "NO! you can't E-MAIL!! BAD GIRL!!" not really in those words...but you understand. MEG! (Or anybody willing to help...) what's the e-mail address?!!?
I spy, with my little eyes, something that is bowlegged. *giggles uncontrollably*
The wee feet, the big eyes, ahhh...I want a pug!
I'm sure he could float, with that belleh - a pug-boat!
I think he's a she, Aubrey. Hover your pointer over the photo.
"MatildaBelly" (...or is it spelled "Mathilda"?)
Ahhh!! SO CUTE!! Pugs are my favorite dog in the whole wide world and you just made my day even better!!! Too cute...just too cute...!! Ahhhhh!!!
the awesome stubitude just caused my computer to spontaneously reboot. Stheriouthly!! TOO PROSH!
And a pug named MATILDA? Priceless.