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OMG!! Now that's determination. Wish someone would send me flowers like that...
Look! He is sitting like a broody hen atop his pile o' egglets! Also. I LOAF it when kittleses curl their paws through things. My Dr. van Taco curls his paws through the top of my power mac and i LOAF eet.
It's a cat-cake!
Now that is just redonk.
Dr.Van Taco? o_O cool name
ROFL! He looks like a giant furry ice cream cone!
Heh-heh, adorable. My cat Summer, also a tabby, is CONSTANTLY doing this! She actually broke one basket in the process, lol. I've got photos of her curled up in Christmas baskets I had out for decoration -- brownish/gray striped tabby kitty in a glossy red Christmas basket with a bow, yum!
It's a Kitty Souffle!!
Haha! I needed this, right before I go to my Physics class. :-p
So what is your problem here?
He's got all four feet in.
That means he fits.
So there.
"I told you I was a size 0"
The very picture of denial.
pugmama--that's exactly what I was thinking: a big furry ice cream scoop in a short, squat cone.
What a wonderful kitters!
muffins are done!!
Methinks kitty looks like a bread loaf when too much dough has been put into the pan...
I dont see anything wrong with this.. looks like me in my jeans! (crabby look and all!)
Okay so actually the cat is cuter..
Fat cat in a little space....fat cat in a little spaaaaace...
OMG, he is trying SO hard to be a tiny kitten again! *skulks back to lurking*
Semi-related. ♥ Two Lumps.
ah yees sir, I wud lahk a beeg scoop ov da "stripeykittehmuzzleuffanpanknosedelight" ina waaffle cone. spanks.
NebErin...tooo funnah...I think I peed a leetle at that one. :)
"So what is your problem here?
He's got all four feet in.
That means he fits.
So there."
Sir Puddles: "Dees ees ohnacceptable. I tink dees basket has shrunked in dee drier."
I think he is saying:
"I disapprove of this tiny basket."
"Does this basket make me look fat?"
"Easter Bunny? I don't know what you're talking about. I ain't seen no Easter Bunny around here...now where are MY chocolate eggs, dammit?!"
My blue cat Flannery is a cry-puss (it's the siamese in her.) She cry-cry-cries all the time. We have sometimes regretted we didn't name her Marislesis.
(For those of you who don't have a giant trivia wart filled with useless information, Marislesis is the cousin of Elian Gonzalez, the little Cuban boy who came here on a raft, and whose mother died. So he was living in Florida with some family members, including Marislesis, before the FBI took him into custody and returned him to Cuba to his father and his Uncle Fidel.) Anway, after Elian was taken, Marislesis was on all the news shows in Florida, screaming and weepy: "Dees ees de worst thing dat has ever happened to meeeeeeee!" Just like that.
Thanks for bearing with me, and now here's the funny thing. Just now as I was getting ready to go to work, Flanny was on my lap, somehow simultaneously crying and purring, so it sounded like this: "Prrrr prrr wah! prrrr dis is prrr prrrr de worst prrr prrr thing prrr dat has prr prr ever happened prrr prrr to meeeeeee! prrr prrr meeeee!"
I laughed so hard, I spilled my coffee on myself, and had to change clothes.
I actually snorted laughing at this. :oD
That's just fantastic.
Thank-you, Meg!
Thank-you, Sir Puddles!
LOL, TJ...this cat does look like he might begin to "bokbokbok begok" at any moment.
I hope this doesn't harsh anyone's cute, and it's a bit of a threadjack, but this is an amazing "Cute or Sad" animal story in the news:
(Warning: sad ending)
Lauowolf - OMG, that was great!!!! I'm supposed to be working, but I had to totally cover my laugh when I read that... What's funny is that is EXACTLY how they look!!!!
I have a Turkish Van that loves to squeeze herself into small spaces... Usually luggage or computer cases... I've got a couple pics of her in the cases...It's really funny...
Makes me want to go home and snorgle my Kitties!!!!
My basket runneth over.
Gives new meaning to "Muffin Top", eh? lol. My Cujo does this with shoeboxes and the boxes you get gifts of clothing in at Christmas time. I love it when a big kitty squeezes themselves into a teeny box or basket or spot, somehow managing to look very comfortable despite the tight squeeze....lol
I think it's so funny how cats will choose to snooze in the most uncomfortable positions and places. This looks like it can't possibly be comfortable, but it must be.
BTW, I think puddin looks like a popover. Here's the photographic evidence: http://www.kingarthurflour.com/shop/images/1086204322987.jpg
Lovin this pic!! Too funneh! NebErin, looove your comment. So appropriate! tee hee! Thinker, that is a sad story. Poor doggie and kitty. (sniff) What a smart dog tho!
looks fluffeh!! hahaha!! :D
makes me wanna pet it, despite the angry look. ^^
Utterly reDONKulous!! Gives new meaning to the term: "smooshed"
Where is it written that certain cats must stuff themselves in containers that have exactly enough space for their molecules? In this case, it would require a certain degree of atomic compression....
De kat says "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT???"
Additionally, that cat must be a 30-pounder!!!!
"prrr prrr wah!" - hizzterical! LOL
I love thees Jake. He is a petite fleur.
This cat can join me for the next meeting of Basket Cases Anonymous.
A Thinker, that wasn't cute at all, that was the saddest thing I've ever read ;_;
Cute! I had a cat that used to do this and I made sure he wasn't diabetic! Big animals are cute/cuddly, but you gotta realize the stress it puts on their health!
Ummm...don't approach this kitteh. He's giving us his 'basket face'.
PHenominal Cosmic Powers!!!!!!!!! ..... iiiiiiiiiittybitty livingspace
Pillow: Watch one night of "Animal Cops," and that story will no longer be the saddest thing you've ever seen. At least that dog had a good life with someone who loved and valued him before dying heroically. Honestly, some of the things people do to animals . . . yeah, last night's "Animal Cops: Houston" just about wrecked me. But that's a rant best saved for another forum.
That cat looks like it's saying, "Back off the basket if you know what's good for you. Back. Off!"