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« Bunny Sunday: A morsel in a haystack | Home | I see we have uh, some pumpkins here »
beautiful photo! i love the visible mid-chew carrot
tiny teeth.
tiny carrot.
suhweet bebe bunny.
my sunday is complete.
WOW what a close shot. The best way to handle a bunny is with carrots.
Why yes, that IS the "I LOOOOOVE You" look, presented by Monsieur Cowspots!
I lerve his eyes.
Aww. This must be the exeption to "Eat with you mouth closed". Too cute.
bunny teef
bunny smile
happy happy!
It's a Holstein bunny!
hard to say who's the cuter bunny in this photo ;)
awww.. he reminds me of the singing bunny in the skittls commercial..heehee
April, I just saw that skittles commercial - weird! But funny!
who knew that buns have such cute little moufs? usually said moufs are set in a disapproving line! Plus, I really like the word mouf!
I weesh to nuzzle my nose into teh bunny's furry neck!
I theenk numpkins ees teeny bebeh carrots, peeled in de package, no? Ready for eats and so deeleecious.
its eyes are huge!! =D
sooooo adorable!!!
peeps, if you really loves the buns, check out YOuTube and search for An Interesting Rabbit, parts 1-4. you will squee yourself into a puddle of melting bunlove! I would give you the link, but computer crashes upon cut-n-paste....
Disney must have seen this pic before they created Thumper... it also looks kind of like the anthropomorphic illustrations in the Redwall books :)
Oh. my. word. That just made my day. After all day of studying for my huge history test and other various homework, that was the PERFECT pick-me-up!
Reminds me of Watership Down.
And the childhood trauma of watching Watership Down.
Still cute.
Daaaawwwww...*keels over*
Big huge anime eyes...
awwwww, you can see the orange carrot in bunny's mouf!!
must now go find baby carrots to munch on
What a wonderful photo! And what a wonderfully-marked bunny!
WHOOOOOOO is all these nasssstyyyy peoples stealing our pretty pretty bunniesesssss!!! it's OURS it issss, and WE WANTS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like a teeny tiny bit of drool under little mouth. Toooooooooooo sweet.
Ok, 3 of my 5 kids just sploded from the cute!
He looks soooooooo happy! *implodes*
Ohhh check the carrot stains on his lips and below the jawline!
Bunny lips/mouth/tongue/sweet expression have just made my day. I woud love to know his name.
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" "
Holy cow. This picture has trumped the "cookie thief" bunny. It's amazing. The teeth, the mouth, the eyes, the eyelashes on the girl, the tender smile. It all goes together. Picture of the year.
Yay! Adorable happy bunbun!
chet's momma:
thx for the YouTube bunny pointer. that has to be one of the cutest buns in the world!
OMG, that's the fatal allure of Bunnyness for ya.... I fell for it myself, and now am a bun's ownee.
( )
" "
Cute bunny......WARNING! THREADJACK!
This Just In...crazy catlady action figure available at http://search.whatonearthcatalog.com/search.aspx?ACTION=SEARCH&query=crazy+cat+lady
That is all. Back to the bunny
Yay, indeed.
Nbird - I have the crazy cat lady figurine set! My bestest friends bought it for my birthday last year. It is the highlight on my shelf of kitsch.
ADORABLE bunny, especially the wee open mouth! With the teeth, and the carrot already inside the mouth, yet the bun-bun is still ready for more, lol! And the liquid eyes, all hungry for the carrot!
And by the way, if you hover your mouse over the pic, you'll see the bunny's name is MARLOWE! What a perfect name for this sweet little bun!
heh....far too cute! We had a bunny named Dagda many the years ago, his favourite treat was a toss up between those honey/seed things you tied to the side of the cage (man, he'd go nuts the moment he saw you coming with that thing....hopping all over, getting up on his back legs) and the long green leafy tops of garden carrots.
I miss the Dagda....my big lop eared black bunny...he used to headbutt my hubby when they were on the couch together....
my kitty's name is dagda.
anyway.. this picture is the cutest ever. the teef. definition of overload.
Squee! Teh bunneh looks soooooooooooo SWOFT! I WANNA PEDDA BUNNEH!
Doesn't help it looks like it's smiling the Smile of Pure Joy.
/me diez and iz ded
Aww makes me want a carrot
ahhh he looks just like a cute little kid!!
Speaking of crazy cat ladies - I bought an old bathrobe, pajama bottoms and bright orange fuzzy slippers from my local Goodwill for my Halloween costume. Score!
I'm having a harder time finding little stuffed kitties. I may end up with lions, tigers and cougars instead of tabbies, marmies and tuxers to finish off my act.
One look and the Pure Bunny Bliss has reduced me to a little puddle of happiness! Can you hear the sweet harmonies of the violins and the bun-angels in the background?
Perhaps this Bunirvana bodes well for Monday :)
"Bunirvana" -- heh, nice.
'scuse me, Monsieur Bunneh (you're shooo ADORABLE!)
Aww, it's so cute... it burns my eyes... =DDD
I ken shee hees mini rabbit teef. That just multiplies the cuteness x10.
I love the Big, Sharp, Pointy Teeth! Sure, everyone thinks its just a cute little bunneh...;)
Thanks for the comments everyone..! More pictures of jess's bunny can be found here: http://flickr.com/photos/easterlingman/tags/marlowe/
No more bunny pictures! It's making me want to adopt a bunny and I can't put myself through that again :(
Very cute though! :-D
Re connie, benpanced, viatrix: "Clean up in aisle 5!...and aisle 6!...and 7! ..."Aw, drat - close shop for total mop-up of cuteness spillage...aack - shpluub...*!*!!!"
Wow, Sylvia, amazing sea lion pic.