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I think my heart stopped when I saw this: Floppy Marmie Kitty
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This is me, plotzing...snorgling...
I don't think I've ever been that relaxed in my life. Sigh.
Holy floppy-limbsitude, Batman!
This is just too much!
This helps me get over the fact that today is Monday and I wish I was still in bed!
[tiny voice] ohgod...
: : : S P O O O O O M : : :
crossed anklies n' pinkie an' an'....!!! [splodes]
I want this darling for my very own ... for the first time in my cat-companion life, I'm without a Marmie, and I miss 'em!
Swayt Jaysus! That's what I call service. I just got off the phone with Port-A-Snorg, and bam! just like that, a friendly snorgarista is at my door with my order: one snorgly, tie-tie, limp limbed marmy kitteh. Blessed relief. I might make it through Monday after all.
If I were to die right now, I would die happy, just for having seen that sweet fuzzeh bebe kitteh.
*happy, dreamy sigh*
*the quiet darkness of the crypt*
He manages to do rules 20, 22, and 25 AT THE SAME time! So much talent in such a small package.
AND this almost fits into the Cats'n'Racks category.
Dang. Totally chillin' in a hand hammock. There must be an ocean view and a Corona nearby.
Or maybe
***** honkSPOOM*****
Teh cutest kitten picture evat.
somebody just rip my heart out right now cause it's about to burst for the love of adorableness!
Is it just me, or if you squint at the lower right-hand/paw corner, does it look like clouds? Like this kitteh is literally in cute heaven! <3
Poor Theo's head just imploded.
more rack next time, people. gimmie a break here!
6. Marmalade kitty
Man, that's the most mellow kitteh I evar seed in mah lahf!
Man, that's the most mellow kitteh I evar seed in mah lahf!
Hahaha, Jake, just look to the right at the One Horse Shy shirt girls.
You know, this should be the goal for ALL creatures. This much love, trust, security, well fededness (sorry), no worries, no fears, no hate, no sorrow.
Lokaha samasta sukhino bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be happy and free.
Yoga moment for the day. (tm)
omigoshh... so floppy and warm and cuddly and sleepy and comfterbuls and SNORGLY!! *snorggggle*
It's like the marmie is in a warm, soft human hammock...*LOL*
There are be kittehs to snergle.
Yes... that's slobber on my laptop screen.
OMG!!!! Orange belly! Primed and ready for a snorgle! Love it!
pink+orange tee paired with pink+orange kitty. That's too much color-coordination for me. This is why my cats are black, they go with everything. :)
7. Sleppin kitteh
OMG! And not the TLA (three-letter acronym), but the actual word "omg!" I'm choking on the cute! This kitty = too adorable. I must SCHNORGLE HIM!!
I would also like to add that he/she is imitating humans. That fell-asleep-in-the-lounge-chair-watching-20/20 look. Awesome.
Nothing's more likely to disarm
Than the charm
Of a marm
Lying fast asleeps
With no mews
With no meeps
Breaking all the rules
For the enjoyment of the peeps
Awww!! I love snorgling the neck and chest area of teh kittehs! You can almost hear the sleepy purr this one is giving off. How sweet! To be that relaxed, ever!
Full body floppage!
Actually.. I think that poor kitty is dead.
R.I.P. man
On another note, congrats to Meg for the full-page article in BUST magazine! The picture was pretty awesome, too. :-)
Sleepeh marmeh kitteh!!!
See the kitteh...
Be the kitteh...
Seeeeeee the kittehhhhh...
Beeeeeee the kittehhhhh...
(Zen kitteh sleep technique in action.)
enough with the cats already!
I wish I were that kitty. :(
Does the little guy have a pulse?
And the award for the cutest in all CATegories goes to ... Sleeptastic!
Oh, the pink nose of it all!
ahhhhhh! Cuteness to the max.
so much better than sniffy hammies
I wonder if he fell asleep like that, or if he's just so zonked that his people can manhandle him any old how and he doesn't even notice.
I'm catsitting for a friend this week, and she'll let me skritch her head, but no snorgling or she'll try to bite. Brat!
"Wub my tummy...."
Look at the floppy front legs. And the tiniest hint of pink paw pads on the back...
He's cute, he knows it.
I want to kiss the pink kitteh nose....I sorta like kissing my own big fat marmalade kitteh's nasty wet little pink nosey. Mmmmm kisskisskiss the wet ketteh noseh, kisskisskiss, mmm it's so wet n' pink n' KISSABLE!!
...By the way, this is totally why I'm still single.
"Loooove meee, looooove mmmm . . . . honk-shu."
That is just to sweet. And hey just to let you people who are on here on a reg basis and might know who I am from previous posts... I had my baby on Friday morning and ya know when your holding her with one hand behind her head and one on her booty... she looks kinda like this kitteh! Heres a link, she's cute! http://www.growingfamily.com/webnursery/babypage.asp?UrlID=8Y1D3T2E5Q
Heather S., you had a baby on Friday, and you're already back here, checking the posts? How addicted to the cute are you? I guess, so addicted, you had to start making your own.
Congratulations on the bebe!
Yeah, little Madison Grace is *almost* as cute as a kitteh ...
Congratulations, Heather S! Hope you had an easy time of it! (myself, I got stuck - inspiring the doctor to say to the nurse: 'Get that baby out of there!')
And LC, I think Heather S. got back to the CO PDQ - it's perfect therapy for the new mommy.