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« Somethin's amiss | Home | We loves us some wet pawsitude »
OMG! It's smiling! How adorable!!!
"...I am the Egg Man."
prosh lil grin!
lol theo, he's a seal not a walrus!
Well, Lennon wasn't a REAL walrus, either.
Goo goo g' joob
I'd look that smug and happy too if i were that adorable.
There's got to be a new rule of cuteness in here somewhere - kelp + happy squeezy eyed seal puppy = cuteness!
Look up the definition of either "bask" or "smug" in the dictionary and you'll see picture number 2.
He's totally mocking us...
The ocean represents! A fat little sausage seal - yay!
But is that his own kelp? Did he borrow it? Or is he a kelp-tomaniac?
I think this seal gives the "Sam the Snowman/Burl Ives" cat a run for its money...
I thought the walrus was Paul?
'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax
Of cabbages -- and kings ---
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings.'
look at his little back feetsy-flippers folded together.
How cute! I want one...
he's a kelp-oholic!
he's addicted to kelp-ohol!
[picturing a bush-whiskered English gentleman with pince-nez, at pic#2.]
Where are the other three seals?
The smile says it all: "Silly human, you can keep your Lexus and your McMansion, and your designer clothes and Crate & Barrel decor. *I* have a comfy bed of seaweed."
No wait - NOW I remember! He reminds me of my dad's brother - an army man. The military whiskers and puffed-out chest in #2 are bang on.
Aubrey -- already broken.
Now try to imagine the mindset of one of those retards that's next thought is "OK let's sneak up and club him".
can a seal pup have a muzzlepuff??? I think so, he has a seal version muzzlepuff. How anerable!!!!
Upon second glance at the second pic, I have decided that Mr. Seal is right fine and proper gentlemand, indeed.
Someone photoshop that pup a monocle and a top-hat. He's begging for it.
Ahh so my furry bipeds. You have witnessed the masterful art of cuteness. Sleepy eyed baby critter. LOVE IT! Oh sleep is soooo good. Sooooo very content looking.
GAH Kathy beat me to it.
I was going to say it's another one for this resemblance category:
"It is exceedingly difficult to procure a decent cup of tea here at the Kelp Bed Inn. Pish posh."
...and that would be other SIX seals, Aubrey.
Four horsemen, seven seals.
Squeezy eyes and whiskers and all bulbously laying around in a pile of kelp and it's...just...too...much...::squeeeeee::
Talk about a "SEAL OF APPROVAL!" LOLOLOLOL!! tee hee.
Very cute.
It is the End Time: fighting and drinking; small fluffy things are devoured by larger fluffier things, kittehs appear missing a limb...and do I see Brother Justin?
Sorry, Thinkie - forgot about those horsemen.
It's as if in picture #2, he decides to "pose" for the photographer! It's a ballet pose! Clearly, this seal is in the ballet! Look at the pointed toes/fins, and the extension of the body!! All it needs is its partner, to lift it up and away from the kelp (and maybe a small diet, so that the lifting is logistically possible)! It seems proud. As well it should be. :^)
Second picture - "Gaze upon my cuteness, you must. Fix everything, it will." Indeed and it will!!!
How to be cute, rule #1: Put your paw up
(Do flippers count?)
Oooh, he's all: "Hey, behbeh. Come on over here and join meh."
S to the quee.
I need a life. Here he is, a fine and proper gentleman indeed!
Perhaps he is going to the opera or ballet? Chopin and a fine sherry?
eeh Gods, thats one snotty looking seal LOL hes all "go away with thee" proshness. dang.
LMBO Oceanic. Glad to see you put you dislodged the wombat from ur nostrils long enough to make that!
[laughing] nice work oceanic
I want one! Sooooo cute!!
he looks SO peaceful and happy.. i wish I could have that serene look on my face most of the time! I want to love him and hug him and squiiiiish him awwwww <3
w/the hat & eyeglass, i hear him making that old-man mustache-laugh, "hmur hmur hmurrrr"
*blink blink*
A hat you think? Formal touch? Yes, I think so too.
Hats off to you prosh gentleman seal.
@Oceanic: Simply fantastic ^^
A real gentleman indeed ^^
t-o, i kent see yer biddeo. i nebber ken.
No probs, Aub ;) Much of the time I miss your references, so it's all good...
Hee @Oceanic. The first thing I thought when I saw him was Mr. Moneybags from Monopoly.
OMG OMG OMG... I totally actually squeled when I saw this. I have loved harbor seals my whole life. cutes thing eva!