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Wow! I didn't even know hippos *could* smile! Great photo!
Hippo stubble!!
That is NOT a muzzlepuff.
It could be gas.
That is TEWTELLY a muzzlepuff. The definition is a floofy jowl. I believe there is definite floof...prickley but a floof nonetheless.
I love it! Even with the chompy factor, LOVE IT!!!
smiling hippo is cute but he needs a shave. i thought i was looking at an aquatic cactus!
Awww, he looks so happy and content. KISSES!!
*smooch smooch!
Thats what I was thinking...hippo needs a shave. Cute though. :D
He looks like a sunbather getting out after a week of rain.
Not a muzzlepuff, a scrufflepuff!
What a beautiful hippo!! I love the nose
cute. cute. cute.
GAH!!! Smiley hippo made my day!
dang. and i thought shaving my legs was a nuissance. imagine waking up to that scruff!
...And that is SO teh ultimate muzzlepuff!!!
hippo kiss :-*
It's muzzlestickles!
I love it!
It's the squint that really makes the smile.
At first I thought it was some whacking, ugly fish and I was so relieved to discover that it was actually a hippo.
*doesn't like fish...*
'cha! Smiling hippo! If you haven't been by BBC today, gotta go and check out the grinning baby zebra. You can practically hear him snickering at you.
Holy Orthodontics, Redzilla! That is one hilarious zeber!!!
Moist spinicles!
That smile is because it knows it's one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
That is awesome!!!
MEG! You should make this a greeting card. I've forwarded it to at least 8 people already.
There's kind of eye-capsule action there too....
He's also smiling because he knows he's one hippo-notic example of style and good looks. He doesn't stop talking about himself! That hippodroned on and on!
Egad! Those whiskers on the muzzlepuffs look like the ones on a co-worker's chin. How disturbing is THAT!
I'm sorry but the words used here just crack me up (YEEP?)... LOL'ing at work... bad me.
Pretty sure a hippo smooch would be rather pokey/spiney :(
OMG that is ugly and so cute at the same time!!
He's so funny looking, but that big grin is so hilarious!
Broody herr! As the pik was loading I thought Meg had found an albino strawberry somewhere (look, it's been a long day, ok? :p) and had gone completely off the rails.
OMG! So cute! But when it was first downloading, I thought it was a porcupine or something like that because I couldn't see the bottom half...
mmmmmmmmmm albino straaaaaaawberries.....
Meanwhile, in the world of things that should be cute but aren't...
Came across an Indian thing called a kitty party. My eyes lit up, as you can imagine - a room full of floofed and skwee'ed kitties, partying and snorgling - what's not to like!? Alas, 'twas not to be...even the headline is misleading!! :(
He's puckering up to kiss the glass and give it a case of whisker rash. ;)
Too CUTE, at first I thought it was a Walrus...A HIPPO, HOORAY!!
No, Angela, as I recall, someone else was the Walrus.
Goo Goo G'Joob...
I think a kitty party is what my dad would call a hen party.
Only if you want to peck and choose...
Does anyone else remember a song about hippos called "Mud"? (Not that there's any mud here. This is one clean hippo.)
Mud, mud, glorious mud,
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood,
so follow me, follow,
down to the hollow,
and there we shall wallow
in glorious mud!
does anyone know if the "hippo stubble" has a purpose?
Can't tell you - looks like you've come across a real stubbling block.
verrry cute :)
I don't know about the millions of hair hole things on its face though... really bugs me :(
"does anyone know if the "hippo stubble" has a purpose?"
Makes hippo teens look older so they can date the hot college hotties.
this is the only time i have ever thought to kiss a hippo!
So cute that I just made it the background on my desktop!
Pricklepuff galore.
you all need to get a life
The Hippopotamus
Ogden Nash
Behold the hippopotamus!
We laugh at how he looks to us,
And yet in moments dank and grim,
I wonder how we look to him.
Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus!
We really look all right to us,
As you no doubt delight the eye
Of other hippopotami.