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» Cat in a Box from ...here's a whosit
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» Wednesday Cat Blogging: Why not? from Liberal Serving
If you have cats, you may have noticed this box-squatting behavior. This is some extreme box-squatting... but at least they don't have to fight over them(!) btw - I don't believe this was a random sight after a recycling truck [Read More]
» Bachelor away! from Jakob Kramer blog
I mandags fik jeg afleveret min baheloropgave i sociologi (om havekultur i en by i Estland), så nu er det \"bare\" at klare forsvaret, og så er det sommerferie.
I hvert fald på universitetsfronten - for tegninger skal der jo nok dukke nogle op af også :)
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Adorable!!! :)
I love it! My Bubba likes to be driven (pushed) around in his box...
but only if you make motor sounds (brrrrrrm, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm)
They look like they are getting ready for a kitty soap box derby or are in airplanes, getting ready to taxi down the runway.
I love it!
"Delivering 'Little Bundles of Love', in a box, directly to your door.
Cats are weird.
I love this kind of soap box derby - challanging the skills of the drivers by covering both the asphalt and dirt tracks.
That is so hilarious and SWEET!!!!!
Cats-n-Cardboard. Never fails.
That has to be the funniest thing I've seen since the dog stuffed into the cat's basket
eeeeeeee!!! :D
I love kitties!!!
Isn't there some law of physics that states that all boxes contain cats?
Haha, they're all looking different directions kind of mysteriously -- it's like they're posing for an album cover photo.
Siirenias -- well, you know, if you have a bunch of closed boxes, you can't confidently deny that each and every one could have a cat in it ;)
Padriac's Parents had recycle paper -
A stack that resembled a smallish skyscraper.
The recycle truck was soon to arrive,
So they wrangled the stack to the end of the drive.
Padriac's Pop hollered "Bend at the knees!",
As the mountain of boxes swayed in the breeze.
Once they got started they couldn't well stop,
And the boxes on top were now starting to drop!
It's a good thing Padraic had trained all the cats
From very small kittens to quickly react,
In case of a breeze-triggered paper stack sway
To prevent the dropped boxes from blowing away!
Soooo cute! I love cats in boxes. My roommate's cat once disappeared into one of my cardboard file boxes and tried to play peek-a-boo with me through the handle hole!
For some it isn't Christmas they look forward to, but the day after Christmas - here we see the Von Pelts enjoying their yearly Boxing Day tradition, taking part in their annual corrugated festivities.
Michelle, that is the best poem since Dr. Seuss. How did I ever consider my life complete before cute overload????
It's weird 'cos it doesn't look like they're doing anything other than just sitting around and chillin' in the boxes. Which, I suppose, is a sensible enough thing to do, but it does look a bit funny. Such is the feline nature.
Oh my god, thats great. My cat would be right there with 'em.
*Jaw drops at Michelle's poem*
strange* Cats are weird!!! Ya gotta love em.
I wonder if anyone else thinks this pic is very surreal?
It is kinda surreal... I did a search on "cats" and "surreal":
I hope I don't have any giant cat dreams, unless they're benevolent. :) Time to go honk-shu!
I love this photo so much !!! Perhaps it's got to do with their curiosity and their territorial nature, so each one got one box of their own. So cute.
that is hilarious!
i wonder how long it took for a car to round the corner.
When my mom and her husband are getting ready for a trip, and they have their mid-pack suitcases open on the bedroom floor, Tommy the Cat has to go and sit in each on for a little while.
I think it's some kind of cat law...
Welcome to Cat in the Box
Dander-Free Food, Fast!
Home of the Famous Fluffburger
Drive-Thru Now Open!
Ohhhhh, isha koot kittehs... them are soooo koot oh mah gah.
...Yes. This is so cute. Cats + boxes = happiness.
lmao, that's fantastic! i'd be so be there too, fighting over one of the boxes. there's a massive printer box in our office right now, and the temptation to crawl in and snuffle around a bit is irressistable.
Eat your heart out, Erwin Schroedinger!
Fantastic shot! Absolutely catastic, actually.
And hooray, indeed! Michelle, that's the best poem ever!
That's a book, you know: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0140502424/sr=8-1/qid=1148635085/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-2536053-8497654?%5Fencoding=UTF8
hilarious! :D
I thought about Schrodinger, too, scubaPSU.
Here's an interactive version of the quantum puzzle.
Will you snorgle it here or would you like a box with that kitteh?
It seems like the kitteh delivery truck dropped a few boxes when they passed that bump.
Just wanted to inform you, that Cute Overload was mentioned mentioned in a Finnish newspaper V. http://www.vee.fi/lehti/muut/selaus_2/
Cats just lurves them boxes!
Go on, spoil YOUR cat today.
hahaha. that's so hilarious!
i can only imagine how weird and goofy that must have been to come back to for them.
Kittehs do just love boxes, but lets not forget their great fondness for shopping bags and drawers! I can almost here them saying "I've got dibs!" as they each claim a box.
*shakes head*
*looks at the screen*
*shakes head again*
human goes "baroo?"
very David Lynch-esque
great pic!
Unbelievable... what instinctiveness to sit there in those RING RING.... er.... boxes and think it's a place to BANANAPHONE.... oh.....OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL, I CAN'T GET THAT DUMB SONG OUT OF MY HEAD. MEG.... YOU'VE POISONED ME!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
"I think it's some kind of cat law..."
I put forth the theory that the Position of Cats at any given time is what controls the force of gravity, the speed of light, laws of quantum mechanics and, of course, Murphy's Law. This is why you may observe a cat wake suddenly from a nap in one room and race frantically into another, only to plop down and commence yet another nap. They KNOW where they need to be to keep all the particles in the Universe spinning as they should.
What you are looking at is the patented No-Fail Cat Trap. Have wild cats that you are attempting to lure and capture? Fear no more. Simply place the No-Fail Cat Trap in strategic locations near their habitat, and presto! the cats cannot resist its lure. You will catch them every time. We guarantee it or your money back!
The No-Fail Cat Trap relies on the myterious allure of the Boxed Cardboard construction to the feline.
On second thought, the other question is--dundundundun--
*How* many cats do Padraic's family have?
What number of cardboard boxes could have been dropped and still filled by cats?
The mystery continues...
lynch, or dali?