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It's always a good idea to sleep by your food (or in this case, on it). Never know when you might wake up and need a snack.
aaah! the ultimate in cute wordity! the sleepy bunny!
oh my gosh
that's one of those little tiny baby carrots isn't it
Tooooo sweet! See the precious little back foot!?!
this is so rule #14. *snorgle*
Have you ever been just too tired to chew? I have! But I'm not that cute about it!
It's narcOleptic, not "a". This is from the office so I don't want to make a big production number out of it,thanks.
Awww...bun bun is sleepy, yet hungry...awww!
"hey I don't know about you guys but chewing is exhausting."
-Teeny Bun
Gail -- no problem. It's hard to make a big production number out of sloppy spellings, on a site where we make up our own vocabulary daily, anyway.
Tiny bunbun? With a mini-carrot that's still bigger than its ears? That's it. I'm going home.
it's funny that this site makes it hard for some folks to work. this is the main reason i COME to work!
There's some "schweet kronsche-ing" going on here... what an anerable little bun (yup, my spelling has gone RIGHT out the window!).
About half the time, lately, I'd rather that this site *was* my work.
*sigh* what a beautiful world that would be, eh Theo?
Bunny... bun-bun... sleeping... reverting to 2 years old... EEEeeeeeee
theo & thinkie, if you mean you wish you could get paid to moosh around on this site all day, then i am LIVIN it.
is that so wrong?
Ariel Idle -- I'm betting that the signature on your paycheck isn't Meg's, though.
I have to admit, this site probably sucks the lion's share of my non-productive working time.
*sigh*. I think I'm cute-addicted.
true, but my time here is funded.
You mean you haven't yet discovered the comfort of the carrot pillow?
Too cutesie-pie. Such a tiny little thingie.
I think this bun is sleeping with one eye barely open just in case someone tries to steal his carrot. He is thinking "I rule this carrot. Nobody better approach it." Can't you just see the steely determination in that teensy weensy slit of an eye?
I was just telling my boyfriend about this narcoleptic dachshund I saw on tv the other day and thinking about how cute (and yeah, sad) it would be if my rabbit was narcoleptic.
That dachshund was amazing, if it got too excited, it would fall asleep. They would open up a can of wet dog food and he'd be jumping around, begging for food, and then he would look tired and immediately fall asleep.
nyaaaa! THIS IS TOO CUTE FOR WORDS ;D (and i know i sound dumb, but WHAT'S HONK-SHU? it's popping up everywhere on CuteOverload.)
honk-shu is a teensy snore sound. check the glossary for a full explanation. if i could put a link i would.
Viv --
And Ariel -- all ya gotta do is copy-&-paste the whole URL onto its own line (or at least make sure there's whitespace on either end of it). There's nothing mysterious about it.
I believe honk-shu is snoring!! ;-) and to these comments I must add: "snorgle snorgle zzzzzzzzzz"- I want to snuggle him til I sleep!
I melt into 6 year old when I look at this picture!! Yippie!!
I'm still at work. I've just looked at this picture again. But I don't think how much more of this Cuteness Concentrate I can take.
Is it possible to get a Cuteness headache?
Excruciatingly adorable bunnage. I want to put him in my pocket and carry him around all day long.
BTW Theo, thanks so much for the cuteness glossary!! There were a term or two I couldn't figure out! ( I know, duh.)
Hee hee! Such a little love.
I feed baby bunnies at a wildlife rehab center, and I can attest to their UNBELIEVABLE ADORABLENESS! If you have never seen one lick away formula with its teeny, tiny pink tongue, you just haven't lived.
best. meg commentary. ever.
Zelda, I Want Your Job. Or your volunteer gig, whatever it is.
Juliette, I agree!
Thinker - it's a volunteer gig (St. Paul, MN). I also feed baby sqirrels (mostly Eastern Gray Squirrels, sometimes feisty teeny Red squirrels). I walk dogs at a local humane society. Oh, and "work" too at my real job (i.e., reading this unbelievably addictive site every freakin' day).
I'm not sure he's sleeping - i think the 'carrot' is actually a bunny harmonica.
I want to get a bunny.
Are they hard to care for?
Do they make poopy messes that are harder to clean up than a dog or cat?
Check out the House Rabbit Society's web site, McKimchi.
I believe that what we are looking at here is not a sleeping bunbun - the attitude of the back leg, and the half-closed eyes, suggest that there is intense effort being expended. There I can only conclude that Monsieur Lapin is *pushing* the carrot. Somewhere to the left of the picture is a passel of woodland folk building a damn, under the instruction of some beavers, and the bunny is delivering construction materials. The exertion aspect *may* (and I stress may - I believe that only Meg can make this call) qualify this as an "enh" moment.
Sorry - that should be "dam" and "ehn".
you can see that little bunny is enjoying it!!! aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone else notice the little toes sticking out from under the near end of the carrot?? What a doll!!! I'm not crazy about Bun-buns as I've had one and they can be alot of work...But this one is so cute!!!
TJ - I think you're right, and perhaps Cody the Malamute (from a few photos back) was also offering his bone as construction material!
Zelda, believe me, we're all with you.
This site is incredibly destructive to work. Let us hope that the employers of the world do not discover that fact and ban it.