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Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. So darn pudgy! So darn cute! I wanna eat 'em up!
I seriously think I just died. That is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my entire life.
i'll eat him very carefully
Awwwwwwww ROLLS
Hey, this looks like Winkie Puppie! Could it be???
(erm... OK, that's a Schmoopism. WP is a pudgy Golden pup relaxing in a sunbeam, causing him to half-squint. He's been a desktop-wallpaper fave on a bunch of our PCs here.)
Pudgy Pup! Shmoozi....
i go weak for stubby puppy paws.
i bet they smell good.
what is theo's technical definition of schmoop? b/c all my dearest ones are "schmoopsie" to me.
also, what a SAD FACE!
He's fat, he's fat, you know it! SHAMU!
What a cutey of a roly poly. Why can't fat guys seem this cute to the world too? WE NEED MORE FAT GUY APPRECIATION (not on this site). :p
Wow, pudgy puppers. I bet he's SOOOOOOOOFT too--just imagine snorgling him. . .
*deranged from the cuteness*
What a juicy little man!
He'd make a good hot water bottle substitute.
baby fat, baby fat, baby fat
begging for a shnorf on the neck.
Puppies are always cute.
Aww! Was somebody naughty and has to sit in the corner? Heh!
Is that a Golden or a Lab?
ancillary of RoC #18:
show your lil' maxi pads.
Just one of those pads would fill the palm of your hand, all warm and chunky.
finn, did you get my post re:GF?
awwww he looks sad, like he was bad and put in the corner.. (sniffle)
OH-MY-WORD, that is the cutest puppy! but what a sad little face! the second pic looks like he cried himself to sleep! sniff sniff..sigh..
He's a Lab :) If anyone want's more pics... i even have videos :)
What a cutie-patootie!
New to the site - addicted already!
Just love animal feet - particularly puppies and bunnies. This pup is just too too sweet.
He looks like he's gonna be a big boy.
Chunky puppy...**squeeeeze** I wanna hold him so bad it hurts!! and smell puppy breath!!!!!!
such a cutie, i want to snuggle up and poke his fat
he's chubby. Which is cute. Is high Body Mass Index a rule of cuteness?
Puppy Love!Roll over and over and over again!
such a cute sad lookin puppy! I love puppy pictures!
wow hes... rotund... but so so cuuuuute!
I want to kiss his tubby tummy!
Wow, I don't even like Labs, and I think this lil' guy is ADORABLE. :)
P.S. Can someone tell me what prosh means? I've seen it used several times on the site.
Nobody puts Baby in a corner!
Yes, we want more pics! And videos! Is it a girl pup?
Cute! We're getting a black lab puppy today, so I'll see if we come up with any pictures of her that are CO worthy :)
A fat puppy is a happy puppy. -Woods Walker
Little Fatty-Fat! Oh I love it when they have fat rolls. She's a little puddlelumpkin.
I just love these! I want one!!!
Omg, it's the cutest puppy i've ever seen.
I just want to cuddle him!!!! He looks so soft and squishy!!!
"My mum says I'll lose all this puppy fat and then the others will play with me but I don't believe her!"
Mommy, can I come out of time out? I promise I'll be quiet and take my nap now...zzzzzzzz........
*eep* Labs and Goldens are my FAVORITEST puppies.
He's a pudding pup! Sooo cute!!
DEAR HEAVENS, I just melted. Those chubby legs.
* DIES *
Today is like AWESOME DAY on C.O.!!!
Cutest puppy I've ever seen ever.
Ok, puppies are cute, darn it, I am guy and I know this, don't torture me like this!
Fatty McFatty pants!