Ladies and Gentlemen—we can achieve world peace with this image
Let's show this image to all World Leaders (Perhaps carried on a silver tray by UN Ambassadress Angelina Jolie?). Without a doubt, he ooh's and aah's (in their respective native languages) should lead to world peace instantly. The image may also cure cancer if used properly. Please be aware that two Cuteologists lost their lives bringing you this photo, due to head explosion.
At least Three Rules of Cuteness have been acheived, therefore earning the Coveted Cuteness Trifecta®:
#11 Cute animal + food
#6 Mimic humans
#14 An everyday, small item makes you look small
I give you... Akagami Hamster:
Wow...that's a lot of food for such a little dude! He looks like he's going to explode!!
take... can't take much more...
Wouldnt' that technically be "world piece?"
Check out my site occasionally if you want... I have mr puddins sightings, Maddie and more!
(mr puddins real name hidden to protect the innocent from his Gynormous size)
this is the essense of cute! Fat cheeks and fluffy butterfly whiskers all top notch, not like pinky-fleshy thin-haired baby hamster two pix below... no offence, baby lovers
BOOOOOSH! my head is dented in, right above the 'i can't believe how friggin' cute that is' gland.
Peter, Paul and Mary. If I stare at his wittle hamster paws cluching that corn kernel for much longer, I might spontaneously combust.
just look at his little feet. oh thank you for this cute spot.
I don't know if I can handle that much cuteness in one day. I may actually stop being so snarky and be nice to people!
(see, it's working already!)
Oof. That little owl-shaped critter bears a certain character I recall from a Monty Python movie.
erm... a certain *resemblance to a* character, etc.
oh my GAWD! i love how its cheeks are so massive and its feet are so wee!!!
that's "achieve".
Ok, which is cuter: Akagami Hamster or Master Fluff? Discuss.
I vote for the bunny, by a whisker, mainly because of its adorable bunny ears and tail.
I propose rule of cuteness #15: Whiskers as long as entire body.
Okay, that is so cute, it hurts a little bit.
CO author (Meg?) --
You habitually misuse the word "ubiquitously" in the context of the phrase "ubiquitously small." "Ubiquitous" means "ominpresent, seemingly everywhere at once"; it doesn't seem likely that "ubiquitously" can modify "small."
I know this is an un-cute comment, but there you go.
I just died a little inside.
Does this also fit Cuteness Rule #1, paws up?
acheive?? should be achieve and I didn't notice that the first 55 times I was forced to return to see this little guy cause he so dang stinkin' cute!!!!! Curse you cuteoverload!!!! ;-)
I just fell in love, with this website. I love you all!!!
How do you DO it?!?
That was my head exploding.
Must. . resist. . the. . cute. .! Oh FSM! My ovaries are exploding!
Resistance is futile . ! (cute but futile)
Hi CP,
I did check that 'ubiquitously' is an adverb in Merriams. But I did get a B- in Engrish, so there you go. Is it still wrong?
what about gwamma?
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
It might work better this way:
#14 Ubiquitous, small items makes you look small
...meaning items that are both commonplace and tiny, rather than usually or frequently tiny. Small change, but it does tidy things up.
this is the best site ever ever to exist EVER!!!!!!!
thankyou, your daily cuteness brings me moist eyes and overwhelming disbelief.
its marvelous.
may the cuteness never end.
Just read about another cuteblog that's "declared war" on cute overload:
and all I have to say is that with cuteness like the Akagami Hamster, how can anyone be "at war" with that?
I think the original use of ubiquitious made more sense as a cute rule. If something is always small in every incarnation, such as a corn kernel always being small, it could be said to be ubiquitiously so. The point is, the item has to ALWAYS be small so the animal is automatically, and with certainty, recognized as tiny. It appears to be a recognized adverb as per the dictionary. It might make sense at first for a small tree to be called both a ubiquitous and small object, since trees are everywhere (ignore the most baren inner cities for now) and the specific tree in question is small, but that would be mixing the application of two adjectives in a single sentence with a single subject (trees in general for ubiquitous, and one tree in particular for small). It wouldn't meet the cute rule to say it that way because if you aren't sure how big the tree is, because they aren't all the same size, and animal next to a tree does not, as a rule, automatically qualify as cute. Maybe it's a full size tree with oversized leaves making an elephant look smaller than it is. That would be coincidence, not a rule. But a corn kernel, being ever-present in small size, or alternatively you could say "corn kernels are ubiquitously small", sets a standard for smallness and could be used to rule a kernel-sized elephant cute for sure.
This truly is the best website ever. I love little beasties, be they bunnies or newts, so this feeds my obsession nicely. And this particular picture, goodness, those whiskers (or fishing rods bursting from the little hammy-ham's face) are the utmost in precious. You rock. Keep up the good work.
I do not care who uses what words, this site makes even bad kemo days seem better. Thanks for the smiles you cause.
yikes......gonna be a cold winter?????
thank you thank you thank you for this webpage - it makes being at work 8 hours bareable.
this is too cute to be real. i have to keep on looking on this webpage throughout the day to keep sane.
Where the hell do you get these pictures?!!!!!
LOL @ "Awww" -- am now tempted to post a rambling, bantering grammatical dissertation, though not really enough to overcome my literary laziness.
RothBeastie -- your design website is AWESOME. Two thumbs/four paws up. I've forwarded it to the director of Carleton College's web communications dept, who might just be in a bit of a bind right now, design-wise; who knows...
IowaLadyFox -- by "kemo" do you mean chemotherapy? If so, keep reading, keep posting, get better, stick around.
Theo, ya beat me to it! LadyFox, as the daughter of a Mom suffering from cancer, you have my heartfelt sympathies and bottomless encouragement. And this site is great for helping boost the spirits--and as anyone with any sense knows, a smile is the best medicine in existence. Stay strong, girl! :-)
I'm so not a hamster fan, but I'm finding myself more and more endeared to critters I never really cared for. Meg, you've done it again--my jaded cynical heart is currently puddling in my slippers and leaving little heart-shaped dribbles all over the floor!
AMAZING. Good gawd.
I wish we could get larger versions of some of these ... They'd make such great desktop images!
dewy eyes... puffy cheeks... tiny paws... long whiskers... o.o O.O *poof*
OMG.... adorable. which is cuter? the fluff or the eyes?! And I LOVE the Princess Bride, Theo.
Cuteoverload, you should be ashamed of yourselves. ASHAMED. Causing people's heads to explode worldwide. It's like in that "And Now, For Something Completly Different" sketch, where a joke was so funny it caused people to die laughing. A picture like this could be the cause of a new head exploding epadamic. Be ashamed, I tell you, ASHAMED.
Thank you Meg, for more hammies!
It's hardly fair- we have neither the room nor the desire to put up with the cage smell & hassle of having a cute critter like this, yet every time I look at your blog I have the intense desire to go out & a critter just like it, and all the accoutrements, anyways! So it's YOUR fault if my husband gets all angry at me because he doesn't want it in the house, and I went behind his back, and now the kids are in the act, begging to keep the little thing!!
I could just eat
I actually used this picture in a presentation!
the tiny kernel of corn held by the tiny paws ... it's too much cute for humanity!!
four words I...LOVE...CHEEK... POUCHES!
**puts hand to chest** too....cute...**dies**
So Cute!! I love this pic!